The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Holiday Stress.
My plan is to start going to bed earlier, spending less time on the computer and drinking one shot of Ionix before bed.
Sleep is essential to weight loss. The body needs time to rebuild and repair its tissue. Not enough sleep is a disservice to the body! Get more sleep....
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
What to do?
Honestly, its the way I feel! I'm pissed off at them and am to the point I want to cut them out of my life because what I feel right now is not enhancing my life . So, what to do? Tell them and release what I am feeling? Or, do I not go to that place and just act as though nothing has changed in the dynamic of a friendship.
Do I honor my feelings and dishonor what I believe was a friendship. Friendship isn't something I take lightly so this hurts me...
Maybe I valued the friendship more then they did. This makes me sad..
Monday, November 10, 2008
Vegetarian Challenge!

Today is Day One of the Vegetarian Challenge running until November 16 so that makes it one week long. Why not give your body a break from digesting meat and join me in this challenge?
If you are interested, check out this link!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Group Cleanse for the Month of November
Remember: Great health is REAL wealth!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Cleanse Day Today.
So many deadlines, hiring and I'm going into the busiest part of the year so I have to stop eating my feelings. My plan with Isagenix has been to lose weight and feel great but I am sabotaged myself by eating two meals and one shake which is actually the maintenance plan. So, I've got to get that under control.
One of my friends has been on Isagenix or a month and not lost a pound. I am trying to let her know the importance of water. She doesn't drink water but drinks coffee. Water helps your organs, your tissues, your brain and keepseverything moving in your body. It is crucial for healthy living and will also help in weight loss. Coffee basically leeches the nutrients from your body and is a diuretic. Also, she has been eating processed foods which are high in sodium and preservatives. This does not aid in weight loss.
Tip or the day: Drink your water!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Getting Unstuck

Psst..... I have to admit the reason you haven't read much new from me is because there isn't much new to tell.
I'm on a plateau. That means, my weight loss has stalled. Basically, a weight-loss plateau occurs when the energy you expend and the energy you consume from food—balances out. In a sense, your body thinks there is not enough food available for consumption—like during a famine. So, your body adapts its energy levels for survival.
Yes, its frustrating and yes, there are moments I say to myself, "Screw it, I want to eat everything in sight!" Maybe this is why my motivation to go to the gym has waned?! Hmmm....
So, case at hand. How to climb off the plateau and get higher up the mountain?
What I'm experiencing right now is that the plateau effect is killing my motivation. When you lose weight, you are inspired to continue because you are seeing results. When results aren't happening, that can be very discouraging!
A Change Is As Good As A Rest?
If you continue to do the same thing and expect to get the same results as before, you will but the body adapts to this and sometimes a simple change can jolt your system and metabolism.
One of my actions is to get back into the gym. Over the last month, I sporadically went to the gym and yesterday was definitely eye opening for me. I huffed and puffed going up the stairs, my heart rate was intense and I actually felt like I was going to throw up.
This scared me enough to tell me that I am going to get back to the gym and have decided to increase my cardio. I was taking it too easy on the cardio and realized that if I push myself I have a more intense workout. I will up my cardio and decrease some of my weight training. However, the weight training has helped me build some muscle and muscle burns more calories.
With the changes in my routine, it will bring a level of newness and I will break the monotony.
Calorie Zig Zagging, Calorie Cycling. Whatever you call it, it is basically alternating your calorie intake. Low calorie days and then a high calorie or cheat day. It tells your body, It's ok... so that it will not go into starvation mode and store the calories which will increase your fat. I understand the concept but for me little cheats are easier then a bit cheat. Big cheating can lead to falling off my plan. That is my experience anyways. Enter the take out, cheese, chips, etc.. You can see where this can lead.
Today in Canada it is Thanksgiving so my challenge is this to you: What are you grateful today for? Many times we quickly go to the place: What we don't have or what is going wrong instead of what we have and what we are doing right in our lives! So, that's why you need to sit down right now like I am and write down what you are grateful for. A time to give thanks.
Isagenix is a product that I am thankful for. It fuels my body with nutrition and some of the side effects for me have been weight loss!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Isagenix At Work.
I have three people who have decided to incorporate this into their lifestyle. However, I was apprehensive about sharing this with others at work because to them it was odd that I ate things like couscous, bulghur, yellow carrots, purple cauliflower, raw nuts and the norm is a Lean Cuisine or a lunch for the restaurant for their meal at lunch time. In North America, this is not the norm. I wanted to come home, make a dinner and sit down to enjoy it with my husband. I was allowing my food issues and personal insecurities to interfere with how I was living my day to day life.
Now was the time to do it. I was ready!
A friend at work recently started using Isagenix and told me that she wasn't sure if she could make it with her lifestyle because she couldn't eat a shake at dinner when she had to prepare dinner for her family of.. five and that was her time to hear about the kids day at school, etc. It was their time to connect as a family.
So, she and I as a team united. I supported her in her choice to have a healthier lifestyle. She supported me in my new choice to change my routine and a program that can not only enhance my life but incorporate it into my lifestyle. I have the Magic Bullet at work which we bring into the lunchroom. We bring along our portable shake mugs and as we blend the shakes we are asked questions like: Is that a magic bullet? Is that a protein shake?
We enjoy our lunch, carry on with our day and enjoy the convenience of the product as well as the health benefits!
Yesterday was day three and as I was eating half a Slimcake on my break I was speaking to someone and she told me that she uses Isagenix as well!
Today I am cleansing. I've had an incredibly busy week since I've been back since our trip so I'm going to focus on some of my goals.
Have a fantastic day..
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Do One Thing Today That Scares You

(An Ode to Darlene. The inspiration for my Lululemon Pants.)
That's a pretty bold statement.
If you are a plus sized guy or girl then you know how clothes shopping sucks. The styles are just plain ugly, almost tent like and usually made of fabrics your grandmother might wear! Not to mention, the prices for the decent clothing are overpriced. If you are a regular sized person, you have lots of choice and you can virtually go to any price point you so choose.
This was even more evident on a trip to the Outlet Center in Las Vegas. A mecca of discounted fashionable clothes and in May I was able to scoop up several tops, pants, and capris which made me giddy with delight because until then, in Canada you can choose from Addition-Elle which is overprice, Penningtons which is just plain ugly and Reitmas which is cheap and cheerful but the quality is sometimes in question. I can across Lane Bryant for the first time and found jeans that were trendy! Amazing!
A couple of weeks I went to the morning workout and commented that my goal was to look great in a pair of Lululemon pants and fit into a pair. One of the ladies there commented that I can easily fit into a pair and I was absolutely dumbfounded. Huh?!? A size 12 you say? C'mon! Darlene's butt looks great in a pair of Lululemon's but mine would look like a sack of potatoes!
Workout pants have always been a pair off the rack in the plus stores. You know the kind, ugly and elaticized! I vow NEVER to wear a waistbank with elastic again. After a fruitless clothes shopping trip in Vegas and here at home I decided to take the plunge. I called up the store and asked if they had these pants. Yes, they did.
So, off in the car to go try on THE pants. The sales person opened them up and asked me if these looked too big. No, I thought, they look too small. So, embarrassed I grabbed the pants and snuck into a fitting room next door to a girl with a tight end.
I put the pants on and you know what? My body has been changing and things are shifting.. The pants were big around the waist and I thought, "How can this be possible?!"I asked for a smaller size and they stretched with my body. So comfy.
I looked at the price tag. Ninety eight dollars. Choke. Gasp.
Before I knew it I was paying for the pants and had decided that my goal is to fit the pants perfectly. Right now, not so perfect but good enough so I can wear them to exercise and remind myself of where I want to be.
I did something today that scared me. I took a good look into the mirror wearing the "magic pants''.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Viva Las Vegas.
After six nights and four days in Las Vegas I'm home.
It is bittersweet.
We left temperatures edging in and out of the 100 degrees and come back home to.. well, colder temperatures and falling leaves! I have to pack away my sandals, short sleeves and capris. Sigh. It is now fall.
I'm proud to say that while I was away I did NOT gain any weight! This is what I did.
I was very anxious about going through security with my bottle of Ionix Supreme, canisters of Isalean shakes and organized each days pills into our handy pill containers. I had to remember that Isaflush was WHITE and Accelerator was a brownish colour. I wouldn't want to take an accelerator at night! I was excited as it was to get away on a proper grownup holiday as it was! But, we made it through both ways and I am glad that I packed it all in my suitcase and not carryon bag because I made the mistake of throwing in suntan lotion at the last moment and was subjected to having the contents of my bags examined and swabbed! Whoops.
That night we arrived late and notified the clerk that we were tired from our flight and celebrating our honeymoon. She quickly upgraded our room and gave us a view of the strip which normally would have been an additional 60 dollars for the view alone. The room was clean, modest and much more contemporary then our last room which was like a dungeon.. The pillows and bedding was luxurious compared to the cheesecloth and pancakes last time! We ordered pizza from a local joint that so kindly slipped their menu under the door. Yeah, yeah. Not the 600 calorie meal I was supposed to have but I had just finished a cleanse and was ravenous.
The next day we took a walk down the strip to get the largest container of distilled water we could find to take back to the hotel room complete with spigot. Perfect for drinking and making our shakes. We packed along an immersion type hand blender and containers. An ice machine next door and it was perfect. Ionix Supreme sat in our champagne bucket filled with ice and more ice in the sink to hold the bucket. Every day we drank our shakes for breakfast and not one single breakfast buffet! We alternated shakes for lunch and dinner.
The next morning we went to the House of Blues Gospel Revival Brunch. You will work off the calories! Before I knew it I was dancing and waving around my napkin while singing I Believe! Say Yeah! It was wonderful. Amazing vocals and the musicians were a great treat. Amazing Grace made the hair on my arms stand at attention! The food was an ecclectic mix of southern, cajun, american, and nice salads, etc. All very good. Worth every penny.
Meals on the strip come with a price. Monetary and calorie wise. One day we ate at what is considered the best buffet in Vegas. Le Village Buffet at the Paris Hotel. It was simply wonderful! While dining on what would be rich food, I made sure to balance it with plenty of veggies and some fruit. I also ate items that I could not eat at home or that are not as redily available.
Go to the half price ticket outlets and you can actually get discounts on meals such as this buffet. We chose the lunch menu which is less expensive and save $10 on two meals. Magnifique!
My husband loved his cheap meal at the Tropicana for $5.99 spagetti and meatballs or meatloaf. This was not canned and each meatball was handmade.
A walk at night along the strip is a mezmerizing thing. The lights and the neon are captivating. The hum, the excitement. Yes, an adult playground. I wonder why people bring their kids to this place and even babies! That makes no sense to me!
One morning while I was there I was able to get tickets to the Folies Bergere for half price and we were seated in the orchestra section. Fabulous show and seating! It is the longest playing show on the strip for 50 years.
We went to the Rio to see the Masquerade In The Sky. A free show complete with dance numbers and tossing of beads off floats. Yes, I shook it for beads! It is no longer What Happens In Vegas Stay In Vegas since OJ and the Internet! It was great fun and we wandered through the casino.
I had heard about Margaritaville in the Flamingo and that day for lunch I had their infamous hamburger and Margarita. I was stuffed! I've noticed that I certainly cannot eat the quantaties of food I used to. Its a fun place and at night they have live bands.
One thing guaranteed that you will do in Vegas is walk. You will walk on the strip, through the casinos, through pedways, to the shows, to shop and nothing is a straight line. It was incredibly hot while we were there and the heat can be tiring. Everywhere is air conditioned and even the awning have misters as you walk by.
If you get tired, hop aboard the Deauce. A double decker tour type bus that runs along the entire strip not to mention Fremont Street and the Outlet Mall! You can get a 24 hour pass for five buck. Now, that's a deal! I know last time we spent far too much money on cabs and were GOUGED on the way to the hotel for $25 when it should have been no more then $10.
Treasure Island or TI hosts one of the most popular show and its no wonder with its gorgeous sirens dressed in pirate booty shorts, swash buckling hunky pirates, pyrotechnics, acrobatics and a sinking of a ship. Not to mention dance numbers to add to the cheese. All very entertaining.
One evening we went to Fremont Street for the fantastic overhead light show and a glimpse at real Las Vegas. Hold onto your wallet and be aware that pickpockets are around. That evening, one hour after we left we were talking to a fellow from Illinois that was robbed and the thug got off with $900. He admitted he was stupid to carry that much cash and has about 9 beer so he was easy pickings. I would go to Fremont Street during the day or early evening. Make sure you stay with your group and you'll be just fine!
Lots of interesting characters from not only Vegas but around the world. I chatted for an hour to a couple while waiting in lineup for an hour who were visiting from Ontario and they were all too happy to tell me the Do's and Don'ts of Las Vegas.
Stop by Bellagio to see the amazing chocolate fountain, dancing water, glass flowered ceiling and beauty of this grand hotel. The newer Wynn is gorgeous and I understand they have a fantastic water wall show of their own. Very luxurious hotels.
Join the Player's Clubs and you will recieve lots of complimentary goodies. Free slot play, cheap drinks, etc. Bally's gave us a long sleeved shirt from the Paris hotel! We were there one week and spent NONE of our own money on gambling!
Stay away from the guys in yellow tshirt clicking their girlie cards that promise a girl to your room in 20 mins. unless you're into that.
Ah shopping. We had intended to spend three hours at the Outlet Center and ended up spending the whole day there. Me, I didn't buy any clothing except for boots, gifts and lingerie. Oh, and then there was the Coach handbag! We spent some time also in the shops along the strip and dreamed of shopping in exclusive shops like the Canal Shops, Forum or Ventian. If you like mainstream shopping then the Fashion Show Mall is an amazing place and it has four department stores including Macy's, Dillards, etc..
There just isn't enough time! This is only a glimpse of what awaits you in the city that never sleeps.
I'm now doing a two day cleanse and ravenous....
Friday, September 12, 2008
Isagenix and Holidays.

I wanted to share my personal Vision Board. I believe that if you can truly see what you desire you can make it happen. Some of my personal goals aren't as lofty as becoming a millionaire, owning a hot car.. but these are what I want and will enrich my life as I see it!
This will be my last blog entry for a week. My husband and I are off to Las Vegas for holidays. Las Vegas was one of the last places on earth I thought I would want to see until my brother got married in May and here I am, less then five months going again. But, this time not four days but a whole week!
I have to admit my mind has been on finishing up some projects at work and getting ready for the trip so I haven't totally focused on Isagenix. However, my huband has started on the men's program to build muscle and body weight so we have made a pact that we will have two shake meals and one "real" meal. I've also packed all my Isagenix for each day and have had my own revelation. Slimcakes ROCK! If you haven't tried them, you HAVE to. Those small cookies are filling and tasty! Well, worth the money. They can act as a meal replacement or a great alternative to eating junk food. I am bringing one for the plan trip and a few for snacks along the week. As well, I've packed a bathing suit and their is a fitness room in the hotel. I know we will be doing LOTS of walking because everyday is jammed packed with activity.
We leave Saturday night so I am cleansing that day and the next morning I have booked us at the House of Blues, Gospel Revival Brunch. (I did opt out of the all you can drink Mimosas and Bloody Mary's for another ten dollars! ) It should be an amazing way to begin our holidays!
Monday, September 8, 2008

Yesterday our plan was to go to the River Valley workout at 10:00 AM. Just as we are about to go out the door I heard the washing machine make a strange noise and it turned out that it was leaking and flooded the floor! In a panic, we cleaned it up and were concerned about the flooring getting damaged but all appears well. So, we headed off to the workout.
Ninety minutes of pushups, pullups, crunches and the dreaded stairs. I do great in the beginning and then half way through my legs become lead weights. Last time my time was 3:20 and this time I did it in.. 2:45! Whoo! Whoo!
What did I learn? I hadn't been to the gym for a week. I was not drinking enough water and perhaps the beer and pizza at the game weren't such a great idea! Right now, my muscles going into my armpits are killing me, my upper legs burn and my feet even ache!
Hey, but I did it. My plan is the gym on Wed. and Friday night after work. I'm cleaning on Saturday and then I fly out to Vegas for our trip Saturday night. We started packing yesterday and pick up Mike's passport tomorrow morning!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Beer and Pizza.
I ate my morning shake and brought along my prepared lunch which was lentil loaf and sauteed zucchini with mushrooms and tomatoes. At coffee break, I drank a bottle of water and ate two Isasnacks.
Later that morning one of my employees came up to me to tell me she has brought me Bryani (spelling?!)which is Indian food for my lunch. Chicken and rice.. SO now, I'm confronted with two lunches. I opt for half of the container of Indian food and enjoy that. I drink two large tumblers of water.
In the afternoon, I drank a bottle of water and snacked on unsalted raw almonds.
The group of us leave from work and head to the game on the bus. Then, we get to the stadium at its 630 ish and my head is spinning. I'm hungry. I had planned on putting some shake into my water bottle and having that before I carried on with the night. That didn't happen.
Before I know it, all 20 of us are circled around and I have a beer in my hand. I have never had beer. I drank my first beer and we headed to the stands which were up MANY stairs. I plopped myself in the seat, zipped up my fleece and watched the game. Beer was gone. Whoa. Light headed.
I ate a handful of popcorn someone offered and was essentially overloaded my sensories. Then, someone next to me and we shared a piece of pizza. The dough soaked up the beer. Someone realizing that this was my first beer brought me another beer and I finished that up with one mini doughnut.
Totally off plan for the night. The game was fun and the night was beautiful. Pretty crisp.. I was starting to get quite cold when it was time to leave.
Today I am back on plan. I've had my shake, Ionix and accelerators and will eat my meal today for lunch and have a shake for dinner. I feel a cold coming on so I'm heading to bed early tonight!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
10 Days. The Results!
- I have released seven more pounds of fat! Now for a grand total of 22 pounds!
- I have released another six inches! Now for a grand total of 22 inches gone!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Recap of My Week. The Last Ten Days.
- What did I accomplish this week? I did a total of four total cleanse days out of 10 days using Isagenix. I followed the program and had a shake in the morning as well as in the evening. My main meal was at lunch while at work.
- I cooked my meals, measured and put all of my meals in container for the week so I would have them ready to go for work.
- The hardest time came when it was the evening of the second day. My body or should I say my mind told me that I was just about finished and I got a headache. So, I drank a glass of water with one teaspoon of Want More Energy. At dinner time tonight, my husband put a frozen pizza into the oven. All Dressed. I could smell it so I actually shut the door and put a towel under the door! Yes, it came to my mind that he was incredibly unaware of what I was doing, feeling and being unsupported. I got extremely agitated.
- My husband will be starting Isagenix to build muscle, gain energy and rid himself of unhealthy belly fat. I will be interested to see his results on the Men's Health and Wellness Package.
- I worked out three consecutive evenings after work for one hour eat time. This included circuit and cardio. I had to force myself to go. Throughout the week I pushed myself a little bit more to do more cardio. Another minute here, another minute there. I packed my gym bag with me and took it to the office. I changed and as soon as I got into the car, we drove to the gym. Experience tells me that if I went home, that would be it. Each of the ten days I went for a 30 mins. walk.
- I have shared Isagenix with two people in my life and will soon have two more join me in their own personal journeys.
- All week I ate brown rice, couscous, salads, veggies, turkey, chicken and salmon.
- I drank two litres of water each day and in some cases more.
- I have planned our action plan when we travel on our holiday to Las Vegas. Two out of three meals will be Isagenix Isalean shakes! I have planned each day of our trip.
- I will be celebrating a friend's birthday tomororw with a meal out and enjoy it without the guilt.
- I will be attending my first football game with a large group of people this Friday. Until now I've always tried to hide from public functions even though I work and see many people every day!
- Last night I took pictures of what I look like now. I am amazed at how much things have changed in two months.
- I have received compliments like Fantastic. Fabulous. Glowing. Beautiful. Great compliments from close friends and acquaintances. That feels great!
- I feel proud of my accomplishments this week and it inspires me to continue on my journey. I want to share with others this wonderful opportunity that I was given.... and by blogging I am doing that right now!
That's the way we do it!
I'm thrilled to say that my husband has ordered his Isagenix. For him, it was to build muscle, lose belly fat and gain energy. His kit should arrive tomorrow...
I have our itinerary planned for Vegas and we are bringing Iagenix with us including our blender! I will be doing two out of three meal on the plan. How hardcore is that?! Considering Las Vegas is the land of indulgence and home of the buffet!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

As I go into Day One of my Two Day Cleanse... I have a fondness for lemons and water...
I've been eating so well this week: Salmon, Tuna, Chicken, Fish, Brown Rice, Couscous, Veggies, oils...
I feel the need to write about the word choice.
If you look for a definition, it is summed up as:
Choice consists of the mental process of thinking involved with the process of judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one of them for action. Some simple examples include deciding whether to get up in the morning or go back to sleep, or selecting a given route for a journey. More complex examples (often decisions that affect what a person thinks or their core beliefs) include choosing a lifestyle, religious affiliation, or political position.
Most people regard having choices as a good thing, though a severely limited or artificially restricted choice can lead to discomfort with choosing and possibly, an unsatisfactory outcome. In contrast, unlimited choice may lead to confusion, regret of the alternatives not taken, and indifference in an unstructured existence; and the illusion that choosing an object or a course leads necessarily to control of that object or course can cause psychological problems.
In the last few days, its been my realization that there are people who do not choose to agree with my lifestyle choices and the evolution that I am going through. Just as they choose how to wear their hair, what religion they choose to believe in, or something as simple as deciding what they will have for dinner tonight; I am told that they do not agree with my choice.
Especially because my plan does not involve fast food, dining out three times a week, eating to excess, alcohol, etc.
"You have to eat three meals a day. You can't go a whole day without eating a meal. How come you can't come out for dinner with us? Why don't you try this (insert food here)? Why aren't you having a drink?"
At first, it made me upset and angry and then I let that go. It suddenly occurred to me that these were the same people who ate bags of chips after dinner, drank to excess, smoked, didn't eat breakfast, didn't exercise, etc.
(Hey, I've been there. I might not have been all of those people and I don't plead innocent.)
I also realized that their health was also something that they assumed would carry them through their life without investing in or any sort of energy of intervention. This made me more then anything confused.
Why do we do this to ourselves? Is it simply because we are lazy.. or want to remain ignorant....or simply don't question..
As you read this, what choices did you make consciously today?
I need your help!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Day Eight. Coming Around the Bend.
I was hungry last night so I had an extra shake. Much better then whoofing back a whole pizza or a LARGE Dairy Milk. :-) I was tired so I went to be around 9:30 PM. Took a shot of Ionix Supreme and had wonderful sleep!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Day Seven.
I've just got up and have to be at work by ten so Iwill get ready for work. I'll post later.
I'm not home from work and am so excited. Someone I know who hasn't seen me in two weeks held my hands and said, "Look at you! You look fantastic!"I smiled and thanked her. I told her I had lost 20 pounds.
If you are interested in learning more, watch this video and ask me if you want to learn more!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Gym Days and Day Six of Nine Day Cleanse.
Tips to making it to the gym:
- If you plan to go after work, then pack your gym gear with you and keep it in the office or in the car.
- Plan your time. Today, I was finished at 3:30 and I knew the gym was closed at 5 so I focused all my energies on getting there on time and doing my 60 mins. workout.
- Be prepared. Make sure you have everything so you have no excuses to go! Ie, towel, workout gear, runners, water, socks, etc. You'd be surprized at how fast you can convince yourself that you can't go because of... well, cos...
- Bring a reward for making it to the gym. I celebrate my trip to the gym with the Isadelight tucked in the pocket of my purse.
- Don't let anything stop you! Nothing.
Friday, August 29, 2008
9 Day Cleanse. Day Five!
First cleanse day, cakewalk. Second Cleanse day quite grueling around 3 PM when the jackhammers from the construction came out and while surfing the internet all I saw were pizza ads and cravings overwhelmed me. Made it through to Weds. and did not accept cupcakes or pizza! Yesterday, tough day. Very tired in the morning and my seasonal allergies are bothering me. Made it through the day and got my butt to the gym. Sweat like a pig, came home to a shake and restless. Tried to got to sleep early with no luck and woke up this morning feeling foggy headed.
Plan for today: Stay on plan and workout after work. I have started off with 2 oz. of Ionix Supreme to get my day started. I'm going to go to bed early tonight with 1 ounce of Ionix to see if that calms me down.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Victory is mine!

Today while at my meetings they passed around brownies, tarts and cakes. I said no every time and then took a deep breath. That's when I grabbed a Isadelight and I forgot about what I was saying no to! I quickly noticed that the person handing them out didn't have any either!
Also, I ended up serving pizza to 100 people at an event and not once did I crave the pizza! Folks, I LOVE pizza! |There was even dipping sauces! I didn't even want it!
This morning, I had my morning shake. Two Isasnacks at 10:30 and then a one scoop shake at 1200 PM. Then, I had a chocolate at 2 PM and my meal at 400 PM. I ate a snack in the evening and when I got home form work at 945 I had a one scoop shake.
I feel great!
Yesterday was my Mother's birthday and after talking to her later the night before I found out that they were going to Tony Roma's for lunch and eating ribs. Not so good for me so I thought I would meet up with them later. My niece was accepted into college and we were going to meet at their house for takeway Chinese food. Again, not so good for me. So, instead of going I opted for sending my wishes along with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. I called her that evening and she was thrilled with the flowers, thanking me and understood that I have been battling weight all my adult life and if this is what will help me then she is ok with that.. So, yes, I have some"nay sayers" along the way.
So, instead of going to visit them I totally focused on me. I continued to reorganize our living room, purged stuff for the recycle, Goodwill and donation boxes.I also did some research for our trip to Vegas, planned my week in my daily planner and have all my meals ready for the week. Yes, I even MEASURED them so that I can guage the calories as per the Isagenix Welcome Manual. I have to admit, until now I haven't! So, all my little bento type boxes are stacked in the fridge. I have salmon, chicken, turkey, couscous, green beans, mixed salad, carrots, and brocolli ready to go! Also, I did my 30 minute walk. So, on all accounts I stay true to my two days of cleanse. I did not document well on the first day and I believe that I should have been eating my snacks every two hours. I can't recall if I did.
I am working late so today I will go on a 30 mins. walk on my break. Also, I had committed to going to the gym today and did not get there. I will be going Thurs.-Sunday instead. I will go every day after work and on Sunday I will do my workout at home. I have not done this before so I will record my results.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Second Day of Nine Day Cleanse. MMMMM, Isa...delight!

- 7:30 AM Got up and drank one ounce of Ionix Supreme. Waited five mins. and drank water to take 2 Accelerator Capsules.
- 8:00 AM Cleanse drink and water.
- 9:00 AM Isasnack and more water.
- 11:00 Am Isasnack and water with lemon.
- 1:00 PM Cleanse with water.
- 2:00 PM Isadelight Chocolate and water.
- 3:0O PM Isasnack and water.
- 4:00 PM Isasnack and water.
- 5:00 PM Cleanse and water.
- 7:00 PM 2 Isadelights with water
- 8:30 Cleanse with water
- 9:30 I took a hot bath and conditoned my hair with this and used this on my feet! If you haven't tried the Volcano, its a MUST!!!
- 10:15 Pm Drinking water and going to sleep.. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Monday, August 25, 2008
The 9 Day Cleanse.

Today I am doing the nine day cleanse and today is day one of two full back to back full cleanse days.
Until now I have been doing one cleanse day per week which is your 30 day cleanse.
You also have the option if you are starting out for the 9 day cleanse which for for someone completely new to the program is two full cleanse days, five shake days and ending with two full cleanse days again.
I find it hard to believe that people make their way in the beginning with the nine day program! Its the rapid program in the Isagenix world.
I knew it would be hard starting out to jump right in for me with two initial cleanse days so I eased into the program. Now that I have done about.. 6-8 cleanse days I find them MUCH easier. My opinion, if you are starting out, start with the 30 days cleanse! Not to mention, you get more product and more value for your money. Yes, it does cost more but it totally worth the investment in.. YOU!
- It's 5:30 AM and I have today off from work but I have had to get up early to go the the Passport Office so I have drank some water with two accelerators and when I first woke up I took 1 ounce of my Ionix Supreme. I'm currently sipping on 4 ounces of my Cleanse for Life mixed with 8 ounces of water. I have no idea when I will be back from the Passport Office so in the fridge I have a premixed Cleanse for Life with water in the bottle ready to go for when I return. Remember, four of these today on your cleanse days! I will take along my 1 Liter of water, Isasnacks, Isadelights and a book to get me through my waiting at the office. I will update later.
- Second cleanse done at 12;oo PM from my premixed that was in the fridge. Snacks every two hours. Drinking more water.
- It's now 240 PM and firstly, I pickup the passport on Sept. 9th! Four friggen days before we leave. The woman there was awesome and I was in and out in 20 mins.~! There is someone looking after me. |Thank you!!!!
- I spent most of the morning walking and looking around downtown. I got my Vision Board laminated and it will be put on my fridge of on my mirror to inspire me. I waked through the drug store to pick up something and a strong smell of popcorn passed my nostrils. My stomach almost immediately began to growl. Its smelt soooooooooooooo good! I got out of there and picked up a day timer to record my measurements, cleanse days and plan my days. I browsed the stores and didn't buy anything. Saving my money for Vegas!
- Then, as I walked down the street, I smelt fresh baked bread from Subway. Ugh, that was killer so I sucked on an Isadelight. When you haven't had those for awhile they are so tasty. Right now I'm beginning to get hungry so I'm drinking water and eating an Isasnack to curb the feeling. I have now drank 2 liters of water as well as done two cleanse drinks with water.
- This afternoon, I tore apart the living room and have moved all the furniture! Organized, dusted and cleaned the entire room! Hubby came home and said, "What the heck?!" and I pipe up, "Surprize!" I should mention that the furniture includes two coffee tables, end tables, a leather love seat and a leather couch! I listened to some of my favourite cds and felt inspired.
- Evenings are tough on cleanse days for me so tonight I have a tub soak planned with lavender and orange..Maybe even a Isadelight!
- Third cleanse done at 5:30 and final cleanse at 8:00 PM. Total amount of water drank: 4 liters not to mention water mixed with cleanse drinks. I've now done starting measurements and also committed to going to the gym on my shake days.
- I've just had a hot soak in tub and am now going to flip through the Fall Vogue Magazine. It's massive! I know, I'm such a princess! Getting tired. I suppose, I have been up since 5:30 AM.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Miss Grumpy Pants.

I'm going to admit something out loud.
I'm jealous and right now I'm pissed off, annoyed and just plain grumpy. I have to get over this. I wish the fat would melt off my body, I wish I had results like other people, I wish I could lose inches or pounds like other people and it ain't happening. This is making me frustrated, pissed off and just plain tired. Yes, I'm tired too. I've felt completely yucky yesterday and today. I'm actually really exhausted. Incredibly tired.
Today my mood really sucks and I am Miss Grumpypants.
I think I'll go to bed early tonight and try to sleep off the funk.
Anyone else ever feel like this? Suggestions? Ideas?
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Hatha I Have The Time?

Today I went into my Fit Assessment and I have to admit I was disappointed with how rushed everything was. Basically she whipped the measuring tape around some parts, hopped me up onto the scale and juggled answering the phones, signing people in and helping new members. I already knew where i was at so it was no big surprise when she told me I had lost inches and pounds.
It wasn't until later I got to talk to Candy who was there from the beginning and we talked about my results, the program and she gave me some suggestions for my training sessions to break things up. I have been concerned about my legs and knees so she suggested I do a few light stretches before I hop on the bike if I don't walk the 1.5 KM to the gym . If I walk briskly to the gym like I did today then I can go right into my routine. She suggests I stretch before I leave the gym. I realize that my weight is what's putting pressure on my legs and knees and that's why I'm at the gym. Inside I had to smirk when the other trainer told me
"I'm not going to sugar coat it for you, your knees hurt because of your weight".
In 11 days since my 30 day measurement, I have lost an additional :
2 inches off my upper arms
.5 off of my neck
1 inch off my diaphragm
Whoo! Whoo! Yay, me!
All other measurements are the same and weight wise. The time of the cycle so we will see how things go and I am going to focus on more veggies. I am going to increase weights on my leg exercises, focus on abs and take some of the Hatha Yoga Classes that are available. A good idea is to record every time I go to the gym, cleanse and any other notes I need to record on a calendar. Until now I haven't used anything other then the blog or writing a few notes in my Isagenix System Guide which I received when I first began Isagenix. I also need to plan the days I will go to the gym with my schedule and be accountable.
I am feeling great and even though the weight isn't pouring off me like other people I am determined to do this successfully and incorporate exercise into my lifestyle.
Remember, every BODY is different so don't compare yourself to anyone!
Acting Instead of Reacting

For those of you who know me, you know that we have been planning a holiday for Sept. and are still waiting for one of the two passports. So, I've booked the hotel and flight for Sept. 13th. After speaking to several different agents at Canada Passport I have a couple of options to ensure that it will be here before that time comes so.. stay tuned.
Secondly, I'm on the day after my cleanse. Was yesterday easy? Nope, but then it wasn't horrible either. I would say.. uncomfortable. But, here I am the day after and feeling great! In fact, I'm off to the gym for my evaluation and a workout so I will post about that later..
Monday, August 18, 2008
Its All Greek To Me!

Today is a cleanse day. I will give you some tips to help you save your sanity. :-)
If you are out of the house, make sure to carry some Isagenix snacks or the Isadelights in your purse or bag. I use mini zip lock bags in the snack size. Very handy and ready for the growling in your stomach. Today I was told they are the |"tigers in your tummy eating away at the fat reserves". I had to type that so I wouldn't forget that comment, too good! Thanks Rob!
If you are out of the house, carry your water bottle with you and Need More Energy mixed in. I alternate that and love lemon sliced in my water. If I don't have lemon, I use limes but right now I'm onto lemons BIG time. Refreshing and tasty!
When cleansing there are a couple of different ways to take the Cleanse For Life elixir.
1. Mix four ounces with water and drink.
2. Sprinkle Need More Energy in your water and elixer. Don't forget your ice!
3. Drink the Elixer as a shot chased down with the water. If you are brave, drink the shot and then wait until it digests and following with water.
Right now it is +30 degrees and I have had to shut all the windows because the neighbors who own a Greek restaurant are barbequing downstairs! It smells sooooooooooooooo good. I find my senses heightened during cleanse.
Oh yes, get a pedicure when you have a cleanse. Its wonderful! The Olympics were broadcast on their plasma tv and I started to cry when I saw the Canadians bring home silver medals in the Equestrian and Women's trampoline. Did I mention that one of the things that could happen when doing a cleanse is that you could become very sensitive. Folks, I don't cry at such things. Sure, I'm happy for them but I know nothing about trampolines or horses. But I do know I do LOVE Greek food!~Sigh
Liquidating Your Assets

Moo-ve along now!
Consider first when looking in your freezer or fridge if what's inside is helping you in your quest for a greater life, healthier living and a successful plan. If you want to know where you can start, here are some ideas How To Inspire A Conscious Kitchen.
Lately, I have to admit that I have been putting off cleaning out the freezer and fridge for many reasons. Then, today I thought I should see what has been stockpiling in there. My husband pointed out to me on several occasions that I had four boxes of Skinny Cow fudge sickles, Breyer's Fruit Bars as well as other bits from early April and it is now mid August! I encouraged him to eat them because I have virtually given up all the frozen treats and I'm not really a eater of ice cream or novelty desserts even when its supposed to hit the mid thirties today. That's hot! He on the other hand loves ice cream. Me, I'm quite happy with my Isadelights!
I noticed as I hauled out the cardboard a couple of things. Spenda and in other cases the treats were loaded in sugar! Sure, low calorie but filled with many things that I have given up. What was I thinking? I was misguided by the low calorie blurb on the package and enticed by the pretty Skinny Cow on the package. I then realized that I had bought into Skinny Cow back in my Weight Watchers days and grew really fond of the sundaes that were only 2 points! I have just learnt that Skinny Cow is under the Weight Watchers umbrella and now endorsed by Oprah's Good Life Program as well. The Skinny Cow has her pockets lined with cash no doubt.
I also found frozen tomato sauce, 2 sausages, shrimp so that means that my husband is having Jambalaya for dinner tonight. I did some alterations by adding more veggies and using brown rice.
Yes, I'm making it while on a cleanse! It can be done. Am I hungry for it? Nope. Drink your water, drink your cleanse, keep busy, and you will be fine! Hey, and while you're at it, don't be surprized if you feel the need to clean or tackle cleaning the garage!
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Part of my reason for blogging this is that
if you don't keep track of where you were then how will you know how far you have come ?
I looked at my chart while I was at the workout today and I have been officially exercising for two months! My Isagenix Anniversary was one month on August 8 and the gym was two months Anniversary on June 7th!
I am going for my evaluation this Tuesday at 9:30 AM for my fitness assessment and evaluation. This will check my BMI, weight, measurements, etc. Of course I have an idea about that!
What did I learn today?
Pick a cooler time of the day to walk then at 2:45 PM on a hot sumer day when the temperature is 28 plus degrees! The brisk walk to and from the gym is 3 KMS. Holy crap did I sweat. I learned also the benefits of Want More Energy? mixed with water. Lemon lime and refreshing to restore the body!
The last time I was at the gym was two weeks ago! Not great... I paid for it. I had cramps in my abs big time and quads were really tight.
I have to pay more attention to my stretching before I exercise and its something I should do daily! I need to stretch my quads so one of the trainers showed me a few stretches I can do at home. That might make it easier on my knees.
I'm also impressed. Over the last month, I am able to lift double the weights I could in the beginning. This is amazing!!! That's called personal best, now isn't it?? !
Have to run, off to go get my Ionix Supreme from UPS. Oh how I've missed thee!!
Additions to the Blog.
A counter of how many people have visited the page, the countries of origin, a poll and the opportunity to suscribe to my blog. Fun stuff!

One thing I have promised in my blog is that I will be honest.
Sure, I could say that the weight came off effortlessly and I followed the program 100% of the time. I could but that would be a lie.
I have major PMS and ate my way through a bag of Lindor Chocolates (70 calories each!!) and I was so hungry yesterday that I had a shake, a meal and then instead of another shake I had a meal that wasn't so sensible.
Its been commented to me that I am going through a cleanse. I have been having cravings I haven't had for weeks and in some cases MANY months. At one point last night I actually smelt hot dogs. We haven't had those for .. well since last summer. I have not eaten any for many months! I was craving cheese and I haven't eaten cheese since.. well, several months other then some on the odd individual sized pizza. I've given up my dairy mostly.
So, here is my plan for today. Today is a new day. I'm going to brush myself off and get back at it today. I have today off so I plan to get some meals ready for the rest of the week since the others are now gone. As well, take a trip to the gym and as my warmup I will walk there. I think I'll get them to show me some different equipment today for a change. I've been using the same equipment for almost two months now..
Have a great day!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Peaks and Valleys.

Yesterday was a cleanse day and unlike other cleanse days, it was very different. I was anxious, crabby, irritable and grumpy. I think that by recognizing this and knowing some of my triggers it will help me deal with these situations.
In the morning, I had planned to go with the group for the River Valley Exercise session but instead I had diarrhea and fatigue which are signs of cleansing throughout the morning. If you experience this, make sure to drink lots of water. It will see you through! I am sure that I contributed to this by eating a individual sized Tuscan Pizza the night before which was a Satuday night. I have not eaten cheese or dough for.. I can't remember how long. I am sure my body was confused by that.. I rested for most of the morning and was anxious to get on with the rest of the day because I wanted to spend time with my husband, relax and enjoy some of the weekend before the summer is over.
I took a bottle of pre made cleanse with me in a travel bottle as well as a bottle of More Energy with me. Both bottles looked like they had Iced Tea in them.. We walked around the park area, to the ponds, watched the geese, chatted and continued through some of the park trails. I found that when I am cleansing, my senses are very aware. I could smell the hot dogs barbecuing in the picnic sites as if they were right beside me! Approximately 3 KMS. and my energy was depleted. My legs felt tight and lead weight. I have not been using Ionix for a week now and am seeing the difference I can see why people usually start with this product. It is amazing! Soon I was hungry so I drank my drink and had a snack..
Later on we decided to visit my parents who live in the area and were invited to stay over for dinner but declined because I was on a cleanse day which meant no solid food. Nearby I noticed a HUGE bag of potato chips and wanted to dive my head in.
I continued to drink my cleanses, waters and snacks.. To keep me busy I went out with my Mom in a quest for new pants that fit and I'm happy to say I have gone down a size! It was a good reminder to stay strong and determined.
That evening, hubby made dinner for himself and I had to leave the room and keep myself busy because I was hungry. I have now done...about five cleanses and this one was the hardest. Before going to bed I made two hard boiled eggs which I ate while watching Canada's 50 year old fencing champion beat the woman from Tunisia.
I went to sleep to rest my body.. today I wake and feel good. Now I have a nasty cold sore on my lower lip.
That shake this morning tasted sooooooooooooooooo good!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Fat Pants Are Not Phat!

Every day at work, we wear black pants and over the last few days I felt enormous in them because I had to hold them together with a safety pin. Today I went out and was thrilled to find a pair of pants that fit! Yes, and.. they were a smaller size! The good thing about shopping at this time of year is that you can buy clothing for 50% off the clearance price so it they are too big in another month.. Believe me, I won't feel bad at all!
Yes, I'm smiling!
How much do you want this? Working your way through cleansing.

What I write is of my own personal experience..
One of the questions you have to ask yourself when beginning any program and throughout a program is:
How much do I want this?
Also, any program is only as good as the effort you put into it.
Today is a challenging day for me. I have chosen today as my cleanse day and to save anyone from reading this, too much information, lets just say... I have a few side effects and my body is in full cleanse mode today. My day now looks differently then I originally had planned it but.. isn't that life in a nutshell?
If you read about cleansing, the body cleanses and various things happen.
If for example, you drink cofee then obviously caffiene withdrawl which might include headaches. Me, I don't drink coffee enough to go through withdrawls. Some of the side effects can include tiredness, irritability and hunger.
I remember the first day I had my cleanse, I went though it all: irritability, hunger, headaches, fatigue, stomach growling, and mood swings but I made it though. Then, I talk to some people who are on the program and they have no problems with the cleanse. In fact, they have little or no symptoms. I had to remind myself that I shouldn't compare my body or experiences to anyone. I am unique. We are all different and our bodies deal with cleansing differently.
Another time I went through, minor hunger pangs which I pushed away with a boiled egg or celery sticks. When I did a two day cleanse, back to back, it was effortless and the majority of the next day was! The majority of it was. I even cooked and prepped meals on days where I was on full cleanse and wasn't hungry! One day I even went out with a friend and little did I know she was doing her grocery shopping! Instead, I bought some cleaning supplies and when I got home I cleaned!
If you are cleansing and need relief:
Read a book
Watch a movie
Go for a walk
Get some extra sleep or rest
Drink more water
Drink More Energy
Eat one Isasnack
Eat an Isadelight
Get a massage
Have a hot soak
Get a pedicure
Eat a hard boiled egg, five almonds, celery, or small green salad.
Some key elements in a successful cleanse day are rest and water.
I cannot promise it you is easy but if you take the time to listen to your body, there is much for you to learn!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Don't be shy, say hello!
Friday, August 8, 2008
30 Day Meaurements and Weigh In.

After using the 30 day Cleansing and Fat Burning System by Isagenix, I have lost:
18 Inches!
That came from my chest, (largest change) diaphragm, waist, buttocks (second largest change), thighs, calves, knees. I actually gained one inch in each of my upper arms. Remember, I have been exercising at the gym as well since the middle of June so of course this is changing my body as well.
I have released 15 pounds of fat! ~That my friends is the most I have managed to get off since I had Gallbladder surgery 2+ years ago! I didn't need to step on the scale to have it tell me the numbers. I could tell from how my clothes were fitting and when it got time to use a safety pin to hold up pants that I wore everyday to work, I knew something was happening!
I feel great with that. It is a comfortable level for me and not too radical that its an unhealthy amount of weight to lose in 30 days. I noticed the weight came off in the first 10 days and then evened out midway through and then dropped off towards the end of the month. Now that I've been on the program for a month, I have now more knowledge about the program and how my body is working.
Portion control is a big thing for me. I will not weigh the food or count the calories but I can live with eating 1/2 cup - 1 cup of rice instead of 2 cups! Same with pasta. I also have to remember to get the greens in on a daily basis. Veggies aren't as hard for me. I can thrown them in salads, etc.. If you have been reading my blog, you will notice that I had a rough time going with parties and such. I've been figuring out how to eat healthier and make those times more manageable.
How do I feel? Health wise and Emotionally?
Joint pains have lessened. Skin is not as dry and any dry patches have cleared. Other then minor bouts of allergies from construction going on, I have not had problems breathing and have not had problems with wheezing while exercising. I have been monitoring my blood pressure and that has lowered. I sleep better and wake up rested. I am not as agitated and can handle pressures more easily. I have more of a social life and have been doing things I normally wouldn't have. I am putting myself out there more..
How did my 30 day kit last? Everything will hold out until the auto ship arrives except for the Ionix Supreme. Remember, I was doubling to 2 oz. instead of 1 oz. and gobbling too many Isadelight chocolates down. Now, I take them on cleanse day or as a treat. My current box is lasting me.
Yes, I will continue with Isagenix to reach my goal weight and I am happy with my results so far!
People are starting to ask me what I am doing to lose the weight and its really starting to show. This is only the beginning of my transformation.
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Tomorrow is in the Chinese culture, a lucky day~! For brides, it is THE day to get married. For me, its 30 days on the Isagenix Plan. Stay tuned, measurements and weigh in! Yesterday, I actually had to keep my pants on with a safety pin! Usually, I have problems keeping the button on!
Eight. The sign of perfect balance.
My Favourite Isagenix Product
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Day Two of Second Cleanse.
Update: Ended up eating two Isasnacks and some More Energy in my water. That calmed me down somewhat but felt nauseated. Ate five almonds with water and went to sleep.
Fattouch Salad. Chrstina's Version.
Fattouch Salad
We had a version of this at Heritage Days and as I ate it, I thought I can make this and here is my version! This Middle Eastern Salad is a treat. This will serve eight but if you like salad like we do, you can always cut down on the dressing to lighten things up.
- 2 x pita breads (if you want to use one only, separate the halves)
- 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 1-2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2 tsp ground grated lemon rind or sumac
- 1/2 tsp crumbled oregano
- 1/2 tsp pepper
- 1 cup sliced red onions
- 3 x green onions, sliced
- 1 x green pepper, diced
- 1 x English cucumber, seeded and diced
- 1/4 cup each chopped fresh parsley and mint
- 4 cups torn romaine lettuce
- Toast pita breads in 375 degree oven , about 10 minutes or grill on the BBQ until marked and crisp, about 3 minutes. Cool. Break in to bite sized chunks. Reserve. You could also use a flat bread, Spelt Pita or your choice. You have the control.
- In a large bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, lemon rind, oregano, salt and pepper. Add red and green onion, green pepper, cucumber, parsley and mint. Toss to coat. Add pita bread chunks, lettuce and tomatoes to bowl. Toss and let stand for 10 minutes before serving.
I will take this for lunch. You could also add a few chick peas for protein. I will take the salad dressing in a separate container, drizzle it in my portion of salad and break a few pieces of pita before eating to mix well with the dressing. A nice side of carrot sticks, celery and cherry tomatoes with humus would be nice too!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Things to do on a cleanse day! Cleaning Up My Act In More Ways Then One

Every buy more of what you thought you had run out of? Sure, we all have. Instead of thinking about food, I decided to reorganize the kitchen, pantry, cupboards. I grabbed a recycling bag, a donation box and a box for the Food Bank. I thought of this yesterday while walking around Heritage Days and watched everyone eating. We are fortunate and live in a society of excess.
I am getting rid of clutter! I have cleaned all my cupboards of excess dishes and knickknacks which are going to be donated to a charity. I have gone through my pantry and got rid of the foods I no longer eat because they are not benefiting my body. Those too, the Food Bank. I have taken stock of my pantry and ask myself, Why do I need four boxes of Inca Red Quinoa?!
My husband and I have made a pact. No groceries purchased until Sept! Sound weird? No way. We have pantry items and freezer items that need to be eaten. The only exception to groceries will be Veggies (Fresh), Milk for him (I am not eating dairy) and Cheese (again for him). I compromised....
It took us three hours to go through and see what was there! It certainly kept my mind off food and reminded me that I was being wasteful.
Isagenix on a busy Saturday and Sunday.
A one day shake day. Should have been a two shake day but so much going on. Remember, it is designed to work within your lifestyle.
I spent most of the day with my Mom, Sister and her three daughters at Heritage Days. It was a cool day with low lying clouds so it kept the sun away. It was nice because it wasn't packed and it was the first day of the festival.
We watched the African performers who were excited to be there and it showed in their performances. We also watched the lion dance and Japanese drummers which were my favorites.
The kids meandered through the pavilions while eating elephant ears, churros, meat on sticks, and sechuan beef. (Misspellings and spell check isn't giving me an alternative.) Me, it was challenging to know where to eat because many of the places I wanted to eat at weren't opening up their food until later after noon or for the evening. Not sure why... It seemed that everywhere I looked it was deep fried dough, sugar, meat on sticks and more deep fried stuff. I got frustrated and hungry so I sucked on a Isadelight. I did choose food from Greece which was pita, carrot sticks, cellery sticks, hummus (with LOADS of Garlic in chunks) and thick white sauce (I gave that to someone). Two Samosas with Chutney from Pakistan. Green Papaya Salad from Lao. My sister also tried the chocolate dipped banana which just look too funny but I have a warped sense of humor. She gave up trying to eat it and gave it to the kids after we both couldn't stop giggling.
Throughout the Festival I kept bumping into people I know. At one point on Sunday, a woman came up to me and said, "Hi Christina! So good to see you! Isn't this great. Are you having fun, etc"and in the back of my mind I am thinking.. WTF, who are you?! I was trying hard to control the blushing because I do that when I get flustered. I smiled and grinned. So good to see you and that.. I came to the conclusion that it must have been a customer. Until then, I saw about 20 people I knew and knew them but this person had me totally confused. On Saturday, before I knew it I had someone come running up to me to hug me while I was looking at the Mendhi. She pulled us over and my niece got Mendhi done on her forearm. I didn't want mine there and she did it on my ankle. Ten minutes later, I was had ran together. Not sure why.. Heat. Heat from me. Or perhaps my muscle on my ankle from walking.. Then, Sabrina went to pull up her purse on her shoulder and smeared half of hers. I tried everything to remove the henna but it looks like I have a weird orange type birthmark on my ankle/foot for 2-4 weeks.
We stayed for a visit after we got home to my parent's home and before we knew it they were back on the road to Drayton Valley again. I miss them already.
Two shakes today and Heritage Day offerings!
I drank 1 litre of water before I left and had my morning shake, Ionix and Accelerators.
I have heard about the River Valley Workout on Former Fat Guy Weight Loss Forum for the last year and Mike and I decided we'd give it a go. Its not too often that Mike and I are both off on a Sunday for this. It was great that Mike wanted to come along to support me. I thought it would be good to get out in the River Valley for some exercise.. Now when I think about it, it was mentioned as a "little boot camp". I felt like a contestant on the Life Channel's X-Weighted.
Oh, we had walking, squats, lunges, pull ups, push ups, planks, side planks, etc. and 'the stairs'. These are stairs that go up the hill, wooden stairs. I looked up and verbally said, "Holy... Mother!" Then, it was pointed out that firemen were training on the same stairs with hoses. At one point I looked up and all I could see was firemen fineness! :-) Legs incredibly tight and intense cramping. 3:40 Mins. But, even though the cramping sucked and the stairs sucked bigger, I did it! We were there for 1.5 hours and I was spent.
What did I learn about myself: I can do more if I push myself. I can talk myself into it as much as I can talk myself out of it!
I was incredibly sore and drank a Litre of water mixed with More Energy. That calmed everything down. Mike went off to bed and slept for two hours. Me, I had a hot soak. Before you know it I was showering, getting dressed and we were off to Heritage Days to meet with Darlene and Rob. We hopped into the car and then onto the shuttle bus.
Thank goodness for Darlene's notes on places to eat healthy or somewhat healthy. I tried:
Fattouch Salad A medley of fresh vegetables, tossed with sumac, lemon, olive oil & garnished with crisped pita bread
Kamundele BBQ beef with green pepper, onion and spices, Congolese way
Timtmo Lentils with onions, peppers and spices
Beef Skewer beef marinated in lemongrass, oyster sauce and soy sauce on skewer and a few pieces from the fruit cup (melon)
I think I remembered everything! Of course, water to go with that.
We watched Latin dancers, Cuban Entertainment, Dragon dance, Ethiopian Dancers, Tanzanian Dancers, and so much.
What I enjoyed about this was that when you meet new people, you get to see things that you might normally not see or look at. It gave me the chance to look at things through someone else's eyes and to try foods I haven't tried before. I like to try new things and see different things. I'm really easy that way.. That's what makes life interesting.. What a busy, fun, interesting day and a chance to get spend some time with people who I never get to spend time with or have had the chance to get to know! Mike and I both had a fantastic time yesterday.. I just realized we took no pictures to have as souvenirs of that day.
Today, I have chosen as one of two of my back to back cleanse days. Quite honestly, there aren't many parts of me that aren't sore from the workout! Joints in my toes, back muscles, thigh muscles, lower legs. I will drink lots of water to ease me through the cleansing process. Cleansing begins .. NOW.