(An Ode to Darlene. The inspiration for my Lululemon Pants.)
That's a pretty bold statement.
If you are a plus sized guy or girl then you know how clothes shopping sucks. The styles are just plain ugly, almost tent like and usually made of fabrics your grandmother might wear! Not to mention, the prices for the decent clothing are overpriced. If you are a regular sized person, you have lots of choice and you can virtually go to any price point you so choose.
This was even more evident on a trip to the Outlet Center in Las Vegas. A mecca of discounted fashionable clothes and in May I was able to scoop up several tops, pants, and capris which made me giddy with delight because until then, in Canada you can choose from Addition-Elle which is overprice, Penningtons which is just plain ugly and Reitmas which is cheap and cheerful but the quality is sometimes in question. I can across Lane Bryant for the first time and found jeans that were trendy! Amazing!
A couple of weeks I went to the morning workout and commented that my goal was to look great in a pair of Lululemon pants and fit into a pair. One of the ladies there commented that I can easily fit into a pair and I was absolutely dumbfounded. Huh?!? A size 12 you say? C'mon! Darlene's butt looks great in a pair of Lululemon's but mine would look like a sack of potatoes!
Workout pants have always been a pair off the rack in the plus stores. You know the kind, ugly and elaticized! I vow NEVER to wear a waistbank with elastic again. After a fruitless clothes shopping trip in Vegas and here at home I decided to take the plunge. I called up the store and asked if they had these pants. Yes, they did.
So, off in the car to go try on THE pants. The sales person opened them up and asked me if these looked too big. No, I thought, they look too small. So, embarrassed I grabbed the pants and snuck into a fitting room next door to a girl with a tight end.
I put the pants on and you know what? My body has been changing and things are shifting.. The pants were big around the waist and I thought, "How can this be possible?!"I asked for a smaller size and they stretched with my body. So comfy.
I looked at the price tag. Ninety eight dollars. Choke. Gasp.
Before I knew it I was paying for the pants and had decided that my goal is to fit the pants perfectly. Right now, not so perfect but good enough so I can wear them to exercise and remind myself of where I want to be.
I did something today that scared me. I took a good look into the mirror wearing the "magic pants''.
ah thanks Christina - I'm happy to be your "butt inspiration" any time, LOL.
BTW - always shop at Lulu for on sale stuff. I only paid the $98 for mine once - last pair I got was last season's color and were $70 or something. Still lots for work-out pants I agree.
BCBG has some nice stuff too - even more expensive!
But good for you for doing this!
Funny post. I have never found it difficult to find fun and trendy clothing for myself. At any size. I think it all depends on your own personal style really.
I work at Addition Elle so my staff discount of 50% helps the budget a bit. That is why I work there though, so I can look fantastic for cheap :)
Dar: I will check for sales, that's for sure! Now that I am working towards fitting other pants! When do they have sales?
Blush: I like Addition Elle's stuff especially the MXM Line. Can I be your sister..family discount. Nudge. Nudge. I worked in clothing for most of my retail career so now when I don't get clothes for 50% off it hurts!
You know, if you ever want to come down to the store (west ed) and shop I will absolutely grab those clothes for you for my price. All you gotta do is give me cash and I can sneak them in on my break and get them to you. Easy peasy.
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