Friday, July 30, 2010

Super Stoked!

Today's entry is brought to you by the number 11!

On Weds. night I bailed on my workout so I committed to going last night. Yes, I walked through the doors and was greeted by the Manager of the gym, Candy. She always smiles and greeted with me, "Hey how are you doing Christina" to which I replied,"Looking to do something different with my routine after two years" and after telling her that I was on Body for Life, what I wanted for my program I was brought a trainer by my side!

Long story short, I went through the weights, equiptment and cardio with the trainer.We wrote down my plans including reps, duration and equipment. What I was most excited about was to have someone show me and then show them what I do. To LEARN what I was to do and to correct any incorrect posture, form, etc. I am now using free weights as part of my routine. I have a much better understanding about the program and understand more of the terms used. Now, to go through my fitness books and understand what muscle groups work or rest while I am exercising.

I am excited and as my neice would say, "STOKED!" 

Trainers are something new to Spa Lady since they have been taken over by a new company. The trainer was familiar with Body for Life and told me how she had seen some people who had done it with amazing results. Of course I was given a bit of a sales pitch on how I could book sessions, etc which I said no to at this point but it is great I have options available to me.

I also managed to cut my gym membership in half!

Yay me! "


"Our body is…a vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.” -- Buddha

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sushi, Meditation and Dealing With Stress

Today's eating plan was wobbly. The morning went well. Then, in the afternoon our meeting ended up being four and a half hours long so I didn't have an opportunity to eat my afternoon snack because there was no break. Throughout the meeting, gummy animals were being passed around and before I knew it I was indulging in two of the chewy critters. So, note to self:
Bring along something small and portable that I can gnaw on instead of gel-afied sugar!

I was mentally exhausted with all the information given to us at the meeting and did not leave work as planned at 5:30 to go to the gym. I chose to go directly home to re ground myself. Then, when we were on the way home from work I was incredibly hungry so I craved sushi big time! So, we stopped and grabbed sushi with a mixed vegetable bowl. After we got home I told myself, "Gee, that's a lot of food. I should divide it in half and put it into a container right away for a meal the next day. Into the fridge" That, did NOT happen so I ate the large California Rolls and Alberta Rolls made with white rice.  No evening snack.

I realize that the salty cravings were my body's way of reacting to the stress of the meeting events and sugar rush from the treats

Last night, I decided that I need to reground myself after the day and focused on meditation followed by an early night and extra sleep. I feel much better today. Today, I got up early and prepared my meals for the day so I am ready. Breakfast was made and as I type this I am optimistic. Even though I did not fufill my eating as planned I will not beat myself up for it. My gym bag is at work so I will go to my session that I had agreed to yesterday.

Focus on progression not perfection. Get back on .. quickly!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blood Sugar Confusion

Today I worked late so I got up around 8:30 AM and did some things before work. I ate breakfast, 10:30 AM, which was later then usual in the morning so things started to snowball from there.

I didn't eat a morning snack or my lunch. So, by mid afternoon when a friend came to take me for coffee I thought, "Whoops.. I haven't been eating". So my in case of emergency bar was there and I ate it with a large cup of green tea. By that time, I should have been eating an afternoon snack but had already missed two meals! 

Dinner time was at 4:30 PM but I ignored that and ploughed on with my day. About 7:30 I felt absolutely ill so drank a shake which calmed things down. Work finished at 9:30 and in the car on the way home I was STARVING. Normally, I would be tempted to eat fast food but instead drank my water with lemon.

At home, I ended up eating a meal and a snack. You know what? I am still hungry! I am going to drink some water and settle down for bed. Its now 11:11 PM!

Looking at my day, not the best..

10:30 AM Breakfast

3:15 PM Snack

7:00 PM Shake

10:00 PM Meal

10:30 PM 2 Snacks

Today is done. Tomorrow is a new day!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 7. Thank you Lenny!

I would like to personally thank Lenny Kravitz for today's workout! lol.. If it hadn't been for that song, Are You Gonna Go My Way, I would have bailed because my legs were killing me. Today was leg workout and I completed it.

Today is Day Seven and I have to admit I am a bit bummed. I did a morning weigh in and the five pounds I had lost seemed to have resurfaced. Was it the salt or sugar from yesterday that caused the bloat? Now I realize that FREE DAY isn't truely that for me if I want results. Next week will be A Free Meal on the FREE MEAL Day. I have a food hangover today and admit I don't feel as good as yesterday.

So, tonight I have finished organized my meals for tomorrow and my treat for tonight was a pedicure with shiny red polish. It was wonderful!

What other rewards can I give myself when I work hard and complete what I intended to do? Normally it would be a dinner out, chocolate or other food reward. Time to re pattern my habits.

Lenny Kravitz "Are You Gonna Go My Way"

Body For Life

I have been on You Tube looking for videos and came across this for anyone who has no idea what the program I am on is about, Body For Life. Click on the link and it will take you to a snapshot in video format. Pretty simple, huh?

Body For Life

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pushing Past the Comfort Zone

When you overcome resistance, you create the power to continually reach higher

We decieded that after dinner we would go for a walk because it was incredibly hot inside our home and I didn't have an opportunity to get any exercise into today other then the 12,000 steps I put in at work.

Many times we had talked about going down the path along Blue Quill that had been recently cemented into biking trails but like many things, it was just talk. Instead we opted many times to do other things instead that would take less effort. We are fortunate to live in an area lush with trees, wildflowers, flowing water, birdlife and only a ten minute walk from our home.  How lucky am I!

The walk started off at 8:30 PM when the sun began setting. As the sun began on its slow decent, the air cooled and a light breeze came in. As we walked and took the time to drink in the trees, the flowers, the lushness that the rain had brought, the blue sky with its hints of pink and were surprized at how quiet it was this Saturday night in July.

How many times have I taken myself out of situations because I told myself it would take too much effort physically or because I told myself I couldn't do it! I was moving my body, it felt great and guess what.. I enjoyed it!

It had been two years since I had walked that path and at that time, I was more out of breath, more tired and bailed early on in. This time was very different. We walked along the path through steep inclines and at one point on an upward climb I thought to myself.. OMG! My heart pounded in my throat and I had a strong feeling of discomfort. Discomfort is something as a society we are told we need not endure but at that moment I realized that in life there will be some discomfort and in order to acheive my goals it must come. It will come and then it will go. Its that simple.

Comfort zones are often explanded through discomfort

Two years ago I had to have my inhaler with me and had to take many breaks. This time, as I looked up towards Mike who was well ahead of me, I was determined to make it to the top and rest on the fence ahead of me and I can do this I told myself. I made it to the top, no inhaler in hand and rested as I got to the top. I took several deep breaths and I saw the wooden sign. I made it. I did it!

The hill took us to the Rabbit Hill Road where we decided to walk along the pathway back to the condo. I was very tired by that point but pushed myself to make it back. I told Mike that I will keep going but be prepared to come back and pick me up in the car if I collapse. Just as I said that we saw two Ambulances drive by. If I continued to live my life the way I was, then was this not a message the Universe was sending me at that very moment?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Food - Doctor "Feelgood"

Yesterday and most of the week was crazy busy at work. Everyone in my immediate circle seemed to be stressed and anxious. The reason for this, CHANGE.

Normally, that's when things like chocolate, cheese, pizza or wine would beckon. Comfort. The euphoric, you are fine. Its ok. It is good. This time I stood my ground and stopped the process.

In the past, I have allowed myself to become a like a large sponge and absorb all around me which included nervous energies, anxiety, etc. This time I stepped back to observe and then asked myself, "What's going on here. Why do I have these cravings and where are these cravings coming from?" Also, I reminded myself that the stressors I was trying hard to detach myself from will too pass and just as they entered, they left.  I chose not to give them the power and to take my personal power away. The power to choose the best fuel for my body, the power to make decisions, and the power to think about the situations that arise instead of acting impulsively.

I am learning that the keeping of one's agreements, the changes my body is going through, the results, a healthy body that is strong feels much more incredible then the over indulgence and dissappointment of eating off plan would.

My lesson today is to not allow the stresses that come to me to keep me from my course.
Focus on progress not perfection
One day at a time...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Broken Agreements.

Isn't it interesting how we won't break agreements to others but suddenly we are breaking agreements to ourselves. In my case, the gym is one of those agreements.

Too busy. Too tired. I don't enjoy exercise. It hurts when I exercise. Sound familiar? Yep, sounds just like some of the excuses I have used or some of the stories I was telling! So instead of going to the gym which strengthened by body, I allowed myself to break promises to myself about.. exercising throughout the week and it didn't happen.

While reading  Body For Life, there are pages about Honouring Self Promises. This is a biggie for me! I would never tell someone I would be, do or help them if I wasn't going to do it! So, quite honestly, I developed a pattern of not honoring self promises. If I can't trust on my own personal word then perhaps this is why I have had and admitidly continue to have some challenges in my life. I have the tools to succeed, I have the rules, and I have the ability but I choose not to succeed by not honoring
my own word.
Do I keep my own word to myself? Answer this honestly.

Notice how differently you feel when you keep your word to yourself then when you do not. When you don't you suddenly become filled with uncertainty, anxiety, anger and your self confidence is lacking. When you honour the promises you made, you feel confident, satisfied, light and happy.

Today was an example of this for me. My personal agreement was to workout twice this week and when I made it to the gym I realized I hadn't been there since June! That certainly didn't support my goals.

Tonight, once I made it to the gym I was proud I made the effort and fufilled my personal agreement. After working out, I felt satisfied that I had fulfilled my agreement and happy with my results. So much so that after dinner we went for a walk..

Body For Life

Two weeks ago, a friend who I trust and who has experience in weight loss once again suggested I pick up the book Body For Life. Actually, he suggested it previous to that but because I was in resistance, I chose not to. I told myself stories that I didn't want to bulk up or that's for body builders! He suggested I pick it up for the exercises and strategies within. So, you can have things suggested to you that are for your own benefit but its you who CHOOSE whether or not do then, eh?

I had chosen to change my course of action because after nine months of being on another program it didn't provide my body with what it needed and I was not happy with the results. I wanted to lose more but wasn't there quite yet. Looking back at it now, it was my intention to lose the 25 pounds and I got what I believed I could get! Eighty pounds in my mind at that time was a very lofty target and seemed unreachable. I am very happy that I released 25 pounds and along the way learned more about my body, who I am, what I believe and learned lessons along the way. As I reflect back, it did benefit me.

No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively have the power to change

This is my new mantra. It can apply to any facet of your life. I am creating mental and physical strength. This means, that along the way I will in fact be releasing old beliefs, thought process and open myself up for change. Kinda scary but also exciting at the same time!

I never want to hear myself say or think that I wouldn't do something because it took too much (physcial) effort or I was "too tired". The last two years were the first time in my adult life that I hadn't checked out of social situations, events, etc. because of those (excuses) reasons. Don't get me wrong, I certainly am not perfect but when this situation arises I ask myself why I really do not want to go out or be there.

There is a world of difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it.

After one month of deciding my course of action and getting back on the horse, I did indeed take his advice and buy the book, "Body for Life. 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength". After only three days of implementing the food plan/eating plan I have released almost five pounds without special pills, high cost, and without altering my life! It is indeed early days but I am optimistic, happy and inspired.