Today I am doing the nine day cleanse and today is day one of two full back to back full cleanse days.
Until now I have been doing one cleanse day per week which is your 30 day cleanse.
You also have the option if you are starting out for the 9 day cleanse which for for someone completely new to the program is two full cleanse days, five shake days and ending with two full cleanse days again.
I find it hard to believe that people make their way in the beginning with the nine day program! Its the rapid program in the Isagenix world.
I knew it would be hard starting out to jump right in for me with two initial cleanse days so I eased into the program. Now that I have done about.. 6-8 cleanse days I find them MUCH easier. My opinion, if you are starting out, start with the 30 days cleanse! Not to mention, you get more product and more value for your money. Yes, it does cost more but it totally worth the investment in.. YOU!
- It's 5:30 AM and I have today off from work but I have had to get up early to go the the Passport Office so I have drank some water with two accelerators and when I first woke up I took 1 ounce of my Ionix Supreme. I'm currently sipping on 4 ounces of my Cleanse for Life mixed with 8 ounces of water. I have no idea when I will be back from the Passport Office so in the fridge I have a premixed Cleanse for Life with water in the bottle ready to go for when I return. Remember, four of these today on your cleanse days! I will take along my 1 Liter of water, Isasnacks, Isadelights and a book to get me through my waiting at the office. I will update later.
- Second cleanse done at 12;oo PM from my premixed that was in the fridge. Snacks every two hours. Drinking more water.
- It's now 240 PM and firstly, I pickup the passport on Sept. 9th! Four friggen days before we leave. The woman there was awesome and I was in and out in 20 mins.~! There is someone looking after me. |Thank you!!!!
- I spent most of the morning walking and looking around downtown. I got my Vision Board laminated and it will be put on my fridge of on my mirror to inspire me. I waked through the drug store to pick up something and a strong smell of popcorn passed my nostrils. My stomach almost immediately began to growl. Its smelt soooooooooooooo good! I got out of there and picked up a day timer to record my measurements, cleanse days and plan my days. I browsed the stores and didn't buy anything. Saving my money for Vegas!
- Then, as I walked down the street, I smelt fresh baked bread from Subway. Ugh, that was killer so I sucked on an Isadelight. When you haven't had those for awhile they are so tasty. Right now I'm beginning to get hungry so I'm drinking water and eating an Isasnack to curb the feeling. I have now drank 2 liters of water as well as done two cleanse drinks with water.
- This afternoon, I tore apart the living room and have moved all the furniture! Organized, dusted and cleaned the entire room! Hubby came home and said, "What the heck?!" and I pipe up, "Surprize!" I should mention that the furniture includes two coffee tables, end tables, a leather love seat and a leather couch! I listened to some of my favourite cds and felt inspired.
- Evenings are tough on cleanse days for me so tonight I have a tub soak planned with lavender and orange..Maybe even a Isadelight!
- Third cleanse done at 5:30 and final cleanse at 8:00 PM. Total amount of water drank: 4 liters not to mention water mixed with cleanse drinks. I've now done starting measurements and also committed to going to the gym on my shake days.
- I've just had a hot soak in tub and am now going to flip through the Fall Vogue Magazine. It's massive! I know, I'm such a princess! Getting tired. I suppose, I have been up since 5:30 AM.
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