As I go into Day One of my Two Day Cleanse... I have a fondness for lemons and water...
I've been eating so well this week: Salmon, Tuna, Chicken, Fish, Brown Rice, Couscous, Veggies, oils...
I feel the need to write about the word choice.
If you look for a definition, it is summed up as:
Choice consists of the mental process of thinking involved with the process of judging the merits of multiple options and selecting one of them for action. Some simple examples include deciding whether to get up in the morning or go back to sleep, or selecting a given route for a journey. More complex examples (often decisions that affect what a person thinks or their core beliefs) include choosing a lifestyle, religious affiliation, or political position.
Most people regard having choices as a good thing, though a severely limited or artificially restricted choice can lead to discomfort with choosing and possibly, an unsatisfactory outcome. In contrast, unlimited choice may lead to confusion, regret of the alternatives not taken, and indifference in an unstructured existence; and the illusion that choosing an object or a course leads necessarily to control of that object or course can cause psychological problems.
In the last few days, its been my realization that there are people who do not choose to agree with my lifestyle choices and the evolution that I am going through. Just as they choose how to wear their hair, what religion they choose to believe in, or something as simple as deciding what they will have for dinner tonight; I am told that they do not agree with my choice.
Especially because my plan does not involve fast food, dining out three times a week, eating to excess, alcohol, etc.
"You have to eat three meals a day. You can't go a whole day without eating a meal. How come you can't come out for dinner with us? Why don't you try this (insert food here)? Why aren't you having a drink?"
At first, it made me upset and angry and then I let that go. It suddenly occurred to me that these were the same people who ate bags of chips after dinner, drank to excess, smoked, didn't eat breakfast, didn't exercise, etc.
(Hey, I've been there. I might not have been all of those people and I don't plead innocent.)
I also realized that their health was also something that they assumed would carry them through their life without investing in or any sort of energy of intervention. This made me more then anything confused.
Why do we do this to ourselves? Is it simply because we are lazy.. or want to remain ignorant....or simply don't question..
As you read this, what choices did you make consciously today?
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