Thursday, October 2, 2008

Isagenix At Work.

It wasn't Monday that I took the plunge and brought the Magic Bullet to work! Until then, Isagenix was something that I kept to myself and I was ''in the closet''. Every day I would eat a shake for breakfast, had my nutritious lunch and then had a shake for dinner. After three months and losing upwards of 25 pounds and many inches I decided to share it with others.

I have three people who have decided to incorporate this into their lifestyle. However, I was apprehensive about sharing this with others at work because to them it was odd that I ate things like couscous, bulghur, yellow carrots, purple cauliflower, raw nuts and the norm is a Lean Cuisine or a lunch for the restaurant for their meal at lunch time. In North America, this is not the norm. I wanted to come home, make a dinner and sit down to enjoy it with my husband. I was allowing my food issues and personal insecurities to interfere with how I was living my day to day life.

Now was the time to do it. I was ready!

A friend at work recently started using Isagenix and told me that she wasn't sure if she could make it with her lifestyle because she couldn't eat a shake at dinner when she had to prepare dinner for her family of.. five and that was her time to hear about the kids day at school, etc. It was their time to connect as a family.

So, she and I as a team united. I supported her in her choice to have a healthier lifestyle. She supported me in my new choice to change my routine and a program that can not only enhance my life but incorporate it into my lifestyle. I have the Magic Bullet at work which we bring into the lunchroom. We bring along our portable shake mugs and as we blend the shakes we are asked questions like: Is that a magic bullet? Is that a protein shake?

We enjoy our lunch, carry on with our day and enjoy the convenience of the product as well as the health benefits!

Yesterday was day three and as I was eating half a Slimcake on my break I was speaking to someone and she told me that she uses Isagenix as well!

Today I am cleansing. I've had an incredibly busy week since I've been back since our trip so I'm going to focus on some of my goals.

Have a fantastic day..


Blush said...

That's awesome Christina!!

It took a big step to "come out of the closet". Just think of how many people will be asking you about the product now. You should never be afraid to share something that makes you feel so fantastic. I think there is a big stigma attached to weight loss products and the people who take them.

I think it's fantastic that you just don't care what anyone are just going to do what you're going to do and that's that.

That make you a fuckin rockstar baby. Welcome to the club :)

onesmartcookie said...

I think we need to create a tshirt! Thanks for your support!
