Friday, August 29, 2008

9 Day Cleanse. Day Five!


First cleanse day, cakewalk. Second Cleanse day quite grueling around 3 PM when the jackhammers from the construction came out and while surfing the internet all I saw were pizza ads and cravings overwhelmed me. Made it through to Weds. and did not accept cupcakes or pizza! Yesterday, tough day. Very tired in the morning and my seasonal allergies are bothering me. Made it through the day and got my butt to the gym. Sweat like a pig, came home to a shake and restless. Tried to got to sleep early with no luck and woke up this morning feeling foggy headed.

Plan for today: Stay on plan and workout after work. I have started off with 2 oz. of Ionix Supreme to get my day started. I'm going to go to bed early tonight with 1 ounce of Ionix to see if that calms me down.

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