What I write is of my own personal experience..
One of the questions you have to ask yourself when beginning any program and throughout a program is:
How much do I want this?
Also, any program is only as good as the effort you put into it.
Today is a challenging day for me. I have chosen today as my cleanse day and to save anyone from reading this, too much information, lets just say... I have a few side effects and my body is in full cleanse mode today. My day now looks differently then I originally had planned it but.. isn't that life in a nutshell?
If you read about cleansing, the body cleanses and various things happen.
If for example, you drink cofee then obviously caffiene withdrawl which might include headaches. Me, I don't drink coffee enough to go through withdrawls. Some of the side effects can include tiredness, irritability and hunger.
I remember the first day I had my cleanse, I went though it all: irritability, hunger, headaches, fatigue, stomach growling, and mood swings but I made it though. Then, I talk to some people who are on the program and they have no problems with the cleanse. In fact, they have little or no symptoms. I had to remind myself that I shouldn't compare my body or experiences to anyone. I am unique. We are all different and our bodies deal with cleansing differently.
Another time I went through, minor hunger pangs which I pushed away with a boiled egg or celery sticks. When I did a two day cleanse, back to back, it was effortless and the majority of the next day was! The majority of it was. I even cooked and prepped meals on days where I was on full cleanse and wasn't hungry! One day I even went out with a friend and little did I know she was doing her grocery shopping! Instead, I bought some cleaning supplies and when I got home I cleaned!
If you are cleansing and need relief:
Read a book
Watch a movie
Go for a walk
Get some extra sleep or rest
Drink more water
Drink More Energy
Eat one Isasnack
Eat an Isadelight
Get a massage
Have a hot soak
Get a pedicure
Eat a hard boiled egg, five almonds, celery, or small green salad.
Some key elements in a successful cleanse day are rest and water.
I cannot promise it you is easy but if you take the time to listen to your body, there is much for you to learn!
hi again
Hey, do you mind if I bookmark your blog? I like your writings of how the program is working for you and can use your advice on the program. Isn't feedjit fun - all those people from around the world visit our little sites. My most visited site is my banana bread receipe - makes me wonder if they used it or not.
Sure! Why not. :-) There are different types of support and if my blog helps someone, one person, I am thrilled!
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