Today is a cleanse day. I will give you some tips to help you save your sanity. :-)
If you are out of the house, make sure to carry some Isagenix snacks or the Isadelights in your purse or bag. I use mini zip lock bags in the snack size. Very handy and ready for the growling in your stomach. Today I was told they are the |"tigers in your tummy eating away at the fat reserves". I had to type that so I wouldn't forget that comment, too good! Thanks Rob!
If you are out of the house, carry your water bottle with you and Need More Energy mixed in. I alternate that and love lemon sliced in my water. If I don't have lemon, I use limes but right now I'm onto lemons BIG time. Refreshing and tasty!
When cleansing there are a couple of different ways to take the Cleanse For Life elixir.
1. Mix four ounces with water and drink.
2. Sprinkle Need More Energy in your water and elixer. Don't forget your ice!
3. Drink the Elixer as a shot chased down with the water. If you are brave, drink the shot and then wait until it digests and following with water.
Right now it is +30 degrees and I have had to shut all the windows because the neighbors who own a Greek restaurant are barbequing downstairs! It smells sooooooooooooooo good. I find my senses heightened during cleanse.
Oh yes, get a pedicure when you have a cleanse. Its wonderful! The Olympics were broadcast on their plasma tv and I started to cry when I saw the Canadians bring home silver medals in the Equestrian and Women's trampoline. Did I mention that one of the things that could happen when doing a cleanse is that you could become very sensitive. Folks, I don't cry at such things. Sure, I'm happy for them but I know nothing about trampolines or horses. But I do know I do LOVE Greek food!~Sigh
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