((Inner Voice. It cold outside and what is synonymous with winter, cold temperatures, comfort food and Canadian? Tim Horton's. The aroma of coffee snaps you out of your stupor and the softness of the mini donuts warms the tummy. Step away from the donut box))
5:30 Am 3 Scrambled Eggs. 5 Quinary. 2 Nuplus. Calli Tea with Suncare.
7:30 Am 1 Red Bean Cake. Ok, I was making them and this was the reject. MMmm, tasty!
11:00 Am Vitalite Bar. Calli Tea.
12:30 PM 1 Big Green Salad : Oriental Salad Dressing, Seeds, Hemp Hearts, Cellery and Cherry Tomatoes. 2 Spelt Wraps with Hemp Hearts with 2 Small Red Bean Patties.
3:30 PM 1 cup of sliced strawberries
5:00 PM 2 Cups of Bean Soup.
8:30 PM I am getting desperate for Tim Horton's. Hubby got his Tim Horton's and I got my steamed Soy Milk with sugar free syrup from Starbuck's. Tim Horton's Tim Bits were not in my plan. 10 Tim Bits. I have to overcomb this habit.
7:30 Am 1 Red Bean Cake. Ok, I was making them and this was the reject. MMmm, tasty!
11:00 Am Vitalite Bar. Calli Tea.
12:30 PM 1 Big Green Salad : Oriental Salad Dressing, Seeds, Hemp Hearts, Cellery and Cherry Tomatoes. 2 Spelt Wraps with Hemp Hearts with 2 Small Red Bean Patties.
3:30 PM 1 cup of sliced strawberries
5:00 PM 2 Cups of Bean Soup.
8:30 PM I am getting desperate for Tim Horton's. Hubby got his Tim Horton's and I got my steamed Soy Milk with sugar free syrup from Starbuck's. Tim Horton's Tim Bits were not in my plan. 10 Tim Bits. I have to overcomb this habit.
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