Monday, January 7, 2008

Day Eight. Food Diary.


9:00 AM Phone rang while I was sleeping and I realized that as I heard the message that it was Kandice. Crap. Fumbled around and got in touch with her.

10:45 Am Mug of Fortune Delight with hot water. 2 Pina Nuplus with one sachel of Vita Dophilus. Sunbar Fruit with 1 tsp. of cashew butter.

12:30 PM 2 cups of veggies; brocolli, carrots and cellery with 2 TSP low fat dressing.

1:00 PM 2 Cups of Calli Tea.


Secrets of the Millionaire Mind said...

Do I understand correctly that you hadn't eaten after 1:00 pm?

onesmartcookie said...

Good grief no. I forgot to finish my blog that day. :-) That's all. I can't remember what I ate, that was a couple of days ago....