On September 1st, my Grandmother turned 95 years old and I still remember her saying when the Millennium changed that she was happy to live to see the year 2000.
Seven years later, she still graced us with her presence.

Sadie always liked to be called "Grandma" and told me that she hated the word "Granny". She said it was for old women with no teeth!
Grandma loved flowers and she always had deep purple Hydrangeas grace her front walkway and her rose bushes were her pride and joy. She always planted her flowers in front of her home and continued to do so until she was 90 years old! Not to mention, she insisted on cutting her grass with a push mower!
I remember staying with Grandma in the summertime and picking blackberries in her backyard. A yard that stretched down the back of her 100 year old home to the gravel alleyway. The home was aging with its slanted, creaky floors, crystal knobs handles, dirt cellar and her figurines that would turn different colours when the weather changed. If you snuck a peak under her bed, you'd find jars of the luscious black jar of berry goodness!
My Grandma loved to make Jams and Jellies. She taught my Mom as did her Mother teach her. Her Mother and Father immigrated from England when my Grandmother was six years old and called Vancouver her home until five years ago. Traditional British woman she was and she too lived a long life. Her Mother passed away at the age of 92.
Berries, Blackberry, Choke Cherry, Apricot, Blueberry and Apple. Grandma loved to bake pies and I still have yet to perfect her pie crust. Mine turn to a solid ball or sloppy mess! Not wasting a bit, all leftover crusts would be made into tarts or turnovers. Christmas time would include Nanaimo Bars, Cherry Balls, Pecan Tarts and Christmas Cake. I still remember the Christmas Cakes wrapped in waxed paper and she would keep them for years!
Grandma definitely had a sweet tooth. Her sweet of choice was maraschino cherries! I never knew what to buy her for Christmas so I knew I couldn't go wrong by buying her a broach, Lilly of The Valley perfume or Chocolate Cherries.
Knitting and Crochetting were her passion. She used the finest of thread to crochet every Grandchild that got married a crochetted table cloth as a wedding gift. The old fashioned woman she was, she held firm to her 'rule' and that applied to the Grandchildren that lived Common Law. That included myself.
I remember her taking me by her side when I was thirteen and tryind deperately to teach me how to crochet and no matter how I tried I couldn't grasp it. Partially because it didn't interest me but I pretended to be interested because of Grandma. To this day, unlike my Mom and Sister who are ''crafty" I simply am not..
I remember how she tried to protect me one summer from the boy next door who swore, climbed the trees and swung from tree swing. She told me it wasn't ladylike.
My Grandma always prided herself in being a 'lady' and always wore a dress with a bejewelled broach. Her dresses were always Fortrel and in the colour of purple, blue or grey. I have never seen her wear a pair of pants and I don't believe she even has a pair! I know one day I saw her changing and she wore a full girdle and stockings complete with old fashioned garters! I was amazed at the efforts she went to dress each morning and often heard her huffing and puffing as she did up her girdle!
I always loved going to Vancouver to see Grandma. I have many fond memories of Stanley Park and being with Grandma. The old majestic trees and the walkways. Her request at the time of her passing is to be cremated and have her ashes scattered in Stanley Park.
Grandma has silvery hair and until the last five years always had her hair done once a week by the hairdresser who would 'finger wave' the top of her hair and then pin curl the bottom. She'd make sure her perms were tight so that her hair would stay in place until she could make a trip to the hairdresser for a roller set, finger waves and pin curls.
I often wondered if the reason she wore her hair this way was to remind her of happier times in her past.
Grandma grew up in the 'Great Depression' and we were always reminded of this. If you couldn't finish your meal, it was a given that she'd break out into -- When I was a kid....I laughed one Christmas when she came and it came to wrap stocking stuffers. Stocking stuffers were the usual oranges, toothbrushes, trinkets and she decided to buy Mom a fancy pair of panties. She thought nothing of taking the panties and fitting them into a toilet paper roll, wrapping them and making a Christmas cracker! She was a woman of means and continued to eat beef tongue because it was cheap!
As time went on, her body began to slow and minor Dementia meant that she couldn't live alone in her home. No matter what she would do her crossword puzzles with her glasses sitting on the edge of her nose and the TV would be cranked because she was becoming hard of hearing. Both of her daughters continually asked her to consider getting a hearing aid. She got tired of them and blurted out,"If I can't hear it it's not that important!" So, no hearing aid for Sadie!
Before she left for her new home in a Senior's center, bags were packed and her belongings were brought along. A sum of thousands of dollars were found in the floorboards and her mattresses. She didn't like to keep her money in the bank and was concerned that she always needed a cushion. That's the way she lived. Money was tight.
Mom told me of days when Grandma had to raise three girls and a boy on her wages of working in a factory where she made saddles, luggage and on one occasion when they were pressed to push on as many pieces as possible that she was rushed to the hospital when she sewed through one of her fingers. Imagine, being a single Mother in the early fifties. Unconventional by all standards.
Grandma loved her husband dearly and when he left their family they she was devastated. Every anniversary she would pull her dress from storage and recalled what she believed the happiest day of her life. She believed in "death do you part'. When her husband had an affair, left their family and died shortly thereafter she always considered him her husband even though they had not been as husband and wife for many years.
To the best of my knowledge, her husband was the great love of her life. She never remarried and did not have a companion. Her only companion was a widow who lived down the street and they would watch wrestling on TV while munching on Triscuits and Cheddar. We never said anything but we giggled at his name. Mr. Wright. When he passed, he left everything to my Grandmother.
Less than one week ago my Grandmother took a fall that has caused her a broken humerus and injury. She is bed ridden, having problems breathing and suffering complications. She is tired and as a family we realize that she is in the final stages of her life.
I have respected her wishes and will not see her. She wants me to remember he as she was and she is a tired spirit. There will be no memorial service or funeral. This is my chance to say goodbye.
She leaves behind three daughters, a son, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
I remember her twinkling blue eyes, her hearty laugh, her hugs, her words of wisdom and her warm heart. She loved her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Her role, Mother to all the generations. At heart she was a nurturer.
Goodbye Sadie, may you find the happiness that you searched for all your life. Grandma, I will miss you.
Edit: Oct. 13, 2007. This morning I had a strong "pull" to phone my Mom to see how she was. I believe it was my Grandmother telling me she has left this earth and she now has the freedom she wanted. Today Grandma passed away at 9:00 AM. Rest In Peace.