Yesterday we packed the car and I carried the map I printed off the Internet to get to Kelowna. Unfortunately, Map quest wasn't working and the system, unbeknown to be spewed out a longer trek. I packed along my Calli tea and ate a smoothie before I left to hold me. Sandwiches sustained us but by 4:30 when we hit Blue (?) River I could have ate Mike's right arm! We stopped at the roadside diner place and looked at the menu. Ugh, three things. Steaks, burgers and salads. I wondered about the salad but also wondered how old the ingredients would be since it is in the middle of no where. So, I ordered the burger and fries. I felt ill afterwards and sat in the car feeling mad at myself for gorging on a huge hunk of meat and deep fried potatoes.
Storm hit hard in Kamloops and it felt as though we were travelling into the heart. Skies very ominous, dark and freaky when you don't know the area. The rain pummeled the windshield and I was sure we missed our exit route to Kelowna. Then, I see nothing but darkness and highway markers. When I saw the sign for Merritt I was a bit confused and thought we had missed Kelowna. Eventually we pulled into Westbank... 13.5 hours. Mike was wiped and I was tired.
I have to admit that the Calli kept me awake and I sipped on it all day. Normally I would be sleeping through most of the trip but I was awake to see a bear cub, big horn sheep, deer and many different types of birds. I had hoped to see Salmon but apparently it wasn't in the right spot. My niece has told me she'll take us to see the Kokanee Salmon while we are here.
We chatted with my sister and oldest niece, Sabrina. I drank some water and chewed on a few almonds. I brushed my teeth and we were off to sleep in the bed like hammock. The mattress, sags... It was weird, I kept dreaming of a man with breathing problems and an oxygen tank asking me for help. I think it could hear Mike's snoring!
It's 10:06 Am and we're picking the kids up from school. I have to make dinner so asked them what they would like. Wrong, wrong. Don't ask kids what they want to eat. :-) It was suggested to me that I make chicken strips and fries. Or, I could make ham sandwiches! Heh. I'm going to go buy some veggies and fruit today. I had a pear, kiwi, rice milk, Nuplus, Fortune Delight, Udo's, etc for breakfast so I'm ready to roll. Allergies are great. Have not taken ONE antihistamine! Yet... I'm going to eat really well and use my Sunrider to do that as well as make healthy choices. What should I have for dinner? I see they have cucumbers, cheese sticks, sliced ham in a humongous package, frozen fries and loads of processed.. I'll call it stuff.
Storm hit hard in Kamloops and it felt as though we were travelling into the heart. Skies very ominous, dark and freaky when you don't know the area. The rain pummeled the windshield and I was sure we missed our exit route to Kelowna. Then, I see nothing but darkness and highway markers. When I saw the sign for Merritt I was a bit confused and thought we had missed Kelowna. Eventually we pulled into Westbank... 13.5 hours. Mike was wiped and I was tired.
I have to admit that the Calli kept me awake and I sipped on it all day. Normally I would be sleeping through most of the trip but I was awake to see a bear cub, big horn sheep, deer and many different types of birds. I had hoped to see Salmon but apparently it wasn't in the right spot. My niece has told me she'll take us to see the Kokanee Salmon while we are here.
We chatted with my sister and oldest niece, Sabrina. I drank some water and chewed on a few almonds. I brushed my teeth and we were off to sleep in the bed like hammock. The mattress, sags... It was weird, I kept dreaming of a man with breathing problems and an oxygen tank asking me for help. I think it could hear Mike's snoring!
It's 10:06 Am and we're picking the kids up from school. I have to make dinner so asked them what they would like. Wrong, wrong. Don't ask kids what they want to eat. :-) It was suggested to me that I make chicken strips and fries. Or, I could make ham sandwiches! Heh. I'm going to go buy some veggies and fruit today. I had a pear, kiwi, rice milk, Nuplus, Fortune Delight, Udo's, etc for breakfast so I'm ready to roll. Allergies are great. Have not taken ONE antihistamine! Yet... I'm going to eat really well and use my Sunrider to do that as well as make healthy choices. What should I have for dinner? I see they have cucumbers, cheese sticks, sliced ham in a humongous package, frozen fries and loads of processed.. I'll call it stuff.
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