Today began with eight ounces of water with one accelerator capsule.
One hour later, the moment of truth: the cleanser itself with water. It tasted quite .. different.. I can't even explain. It didn't taste as horrible as everyone makes it out to be when I read other blogs. So, I had it with water and ice to drink. What I've noticed this morning is that I'm incredibly cold. Usually I'm quite warm but today.. I'm cold. So, I took a hot bath to relax which is also good for detoxing.
It's been 90 mins. since taking the cleanse and 60 mins after taking it I was hungry. My stomach was in full grumble mode so I drank water with lemon and that certainly helped. If it returns I will eat one Isagenix snack. Other then that I'm already looking forward to eating a shake tomorrow. Who would have thought I'd look forward to a shake. I took some water from the fridge and would love to munch on some of the veggies. They look so good right now!
I took my one snack and that curbed things. I also drank more water which has helped.I ate two small baby cucumbers. I felt quite tired so I laid down for a quick 20 min. nap.
At 12:00 PM I drank my 2 ounces of Ionix Supreme. I drank more water and waited until 1 PM to take my next cleanse drink with water and ice. I drank more water with lemon throughout the next two hours. Now, getting slight headache so re read instructions.
I have boiled a few organic eggs and steamed some veggies to have on hand for tomorrow's shake day. I'm drinking water with lemon and taking second accelerator capsule.
Hungry before dinner cleanse so I ate two mini cucumbers and water.
Drank water with cleanse. Added ice to convince myself it was a fancy drink. :-)
Update: 7:30 PM. Will take last cleanse drink. Incredibly hungry now. Hungriest yet! I will take drink and drink more water. My goal is to eat one chocolate and then try to relax while watching a movie. Then, go to sleep. Please..inner Goddess, wherever you are! HELP ME! :-)
Had my last cleanse drink and more water with lemon. Ate two chocolates.
Watched movie, Mr and Mrs. Smith. 9:45 tired enough for bed but still hungry. Ate hard boiled egg and drank water. Calmed everything down and slept from 10 PM until 8 AM the next day.
It was tough for me but I did it. I can't see how anyone who has never fasted can make it though a back to back cleanse day... Amazing stuff.
isn't tomorrow another day for cleansing? that means another day of no veggies.
have you read anything about fasting? after 48 hours you won't even feel hungry any more. Push through it.
Sometimes you have to do things that are hard and uncomfortable. I learned last week at my course - if it isn't uncomfortable it isn't worth doing.
Maybe I'm in "tough" mode after my course and maybe that's what you need right now rather than hand holding, is some butt kicking. Think about what you are willing to do to get what you want.
Are you willing to do what's hard?
I am doing the 30 day cleanse which is one cleansing day per week. I have never cleansed (like this before), it is completely new to me.
I have not read about fasting.
Yes, I have done things that are hard and uncomfortable.
I'm quite emotional right now. I have to urge to scream, cry and eat. Reading your words is harsh to me right now when normally I would get it and yep, you're in "tough" mode right now so the support I was anticipating is more like boot camp.
I bruise easily.
Wait - the Isagenix cleanse is NOT a fast. The cleanse drink is flooding your body with nutrients, the equivalent of around 1,500 calories of nourishment. Don't let your hunger get above a 3 on a scale of 1-10 - eat snacks as needed. Or some almonds or something like that. And Want More Energy is a great booster on cleanse days too. The chocolates are great, aren't they? And yes, take it easy, read a book or something. Your body is going through a great process. The cleanse is a big adjustment at first, but I found that as I kept doing it, I began to feel great - a new energy and well-being and mental clarity like I never experienced before Isagenix. Way to go, Christina!
I did eat small snacks so I didn't lose my mind. I had three small mini cucumbers and one hard boiled egg before I went to bed. I felt better by doing this and it certainly helped. Even when my husband pulled out his Large Pizza and ate if for dinner!
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