Thursday, August 14, 2008


Part of my reason for blogging this is that
if you don't keep track of where you were then how will you know how far you have come ?

I looked at my chart while I was at the workout today and I have been officially exercising for two months! My Isagenix Anniversary was one month on August 8 and the gym was two months Anniversary on June 7th!

I am going for my evaluation this Tuesday at 9:30 AM for my fitness assessment and evaluation. This will check my BMI, weight, measurements, etc. Of course I have an idea about that!

What did I learn today?

Pick a cooler time of the day to walk then at 2:45 PM on a hot sumer day when the temperature is 28 plus degrees! The brisk walk to and from the gym is 3 KMS. Holy crap did I sweat. I learned also the benefits of Want More Energy? mixed with water. Lemon lime and refreshing to restore the body!

The last time I was at the gym was two weeks ago! Not great... I paid for it. I had cramps in my abs big time and quads were really tight.

I have to pay more attention to my stretching before I exercise and its something I should do daily! I need to stretch my quads so one of the trainers showed me a few stretches I can do at home. That might make it easier on my knees.

I'm also impressed. Over the last month, I am able to lift double the weights I could in the beginning. This is amazing!!! That's called personal best, now isn't it?? !

Have to run, off to go get my Ionix Supreme from UPS. Oh how I've missed thee!!


Anonymous said...

double the weights is a HUGE improvement. Congratulations. Whatever it was that you're lifting - if it's the most you've lifted then yes, that's a personal best.


onesmartcookie said...

Thanks Rob. Darlene, Scott and yourself inspired to get my butt off the couch and to join the gym. Hey, and even use the gym!