Sunday, June 15, 2008

Is the Universe telling me something?

Hmmm. Got up at six and was ready to go to river valley workout. Missed Jessie's several calls and an email from Rob because I worked until six and then found out brother's plane arrived late so decided to welcome the newlyweds home after their six week honeymoon in Europe. Visited, looked at pictures, heard stories of his encounter with 15 Sea Urchin needles in his foot and then before I knew it we were home after 11 PM. I kept thinking that I should be in bed so I would be awake for the workout in the morning at the River Valley.

I had originally booked a workout at the gym for today and forgot to cancel it. Looks like there is no way I can get there before their 10 AM start so I'll walk to the gym for my warmup, exercise and walk home today. Not my original plan but I'm incredibly stiff and my joints need some movement. Mentally, I need to do this because I don't want to fail on my commitment to exercise today.

My plan is to eat clean today. Yeah, I'm been eating some junk lately.. Last night's pizza at 8 PM for dinner and pizza/ceasar's salad at the Manager's Meeting this week. Some M and M's in the car on the way to seeing the family.

Mike and I are going out this evening so in the afternoon I'd like to go buy some running shoes for the gym. I'm going to retire my other ones I purchased from Wal Mart for $12.00 for outside ( I didn't invest in them because I didn't think I"d use them much) when I do make it to the river valley or when Mike and I go walking.

Nothing gets me more excited then a new pair of shoes ... I've never been shoe girl. .. Now, purses.. that's another thing!



Darlene said...

Sorry it didn't work out on Sunday for you to join us.

As for eating junk - where did the M&M's come from? When you are choosing to eat this stuff - are you stopping to ask yourself "is this the best choice for me?" Even if you are in a pizza place you can get a salad. Hold their creamy dressing and ask for a lime to squeeze over it.

Or get a healthy version of the pizza - we had one at BP's last week on their healthy menu. No meat, no mozzerella, just a bit of parmesan on top and we could have asked to hold that too.

Scott Tousignant said...

Hey Christina,

Life will always find a way to throw some curve balls at us. Your plan to walk to and from the gym was a great way to adapt to the circumstances.

Programs don't have to be rigid. You need some flexibility if you want to stick with this for the long term.

Smart move on investing in a good pair of shoes. They can really make a difference.

Don't beat yourself up over the pizza and m & m's. Do what you said and have a 'clean' eating day.

You can't change what happened yesterday, but you have all the power in the world to make the right choices today.

Stay strong!

Scott Tousignant

onesmartcookie said...

Normally I carry a Sunbar in my purse but I ran out. I was.. hungry. Plain old hungry. Yes, you are right. I have to plan just like I do when I pack a bag for the gym.. Where did the M and M's come from? Uhm, I bought them for Mike but Mike didn't get too many of them! Yeah, I'm blushing right now.

onesmartcookie said...

Running shoes. My plan is to get them today. My friend who knows all about shoes has agreed to help me. My friend who I workout bought pink ones and I told her that I would still workout with her. ;-)