Last night, went to the gym to see Kandy. She thinks I might have done something to a nerve to get that much pain. Sciatic perhaps.
Anyways, 15 mins. on the Arc machine (it reminds me of skiing motions) and I was sweating like crazy. We're talking not just a light sweat but sweat that dripped onto the floor. I was courteous and cleaned up my slop! I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life. After that I was exhausted and my legs felt wobbly/shaky.
|Then, we went through 1.2 of the Sprint circuit which is basically circuit of equipment to work different parts of your body. The light goes red when you are to stop and go to the next piece of the equipment. She showed me each one and got me to show her how I would do it. Then got me to go through on my own. She told me that I could go again if I thought I could..
It was pretty funny at times because the skinnies would watch me with their IPODS on. Well, maybe they weren't and I was self concious so it felt like it.. Anyways, I was proud about how I was doing and then on one machine I forgot how to use it and didn't take the time to read the diagram and was using it wrong. A young woman was watching me and came over to help me. A bit embarrassing but at least I knew how to do it right so I didn't hurt myself.
I can see that if you rush on these machines, use them incorrectly or get out of them quickly that you can really screw yourself up. I have to watch the weights on some of the machines too. She put me on 10 pounds and I wasn't paying attention and had it on 40 from someone else! I didn't realize until the end and might be sore for it tomorrow..
My next session is Sunday for 10:30. I will see how I feel tomorrow. Today is stiff in some areas. I need to make sure I stretch after exercise. Also, have learn t that I lean forward when using the machines so have to put more pressure on heels and calves. I will try to push myself more on Sunday.
Note to self: Why is Clinical Deodorant at Shopper's $10.00??
circuit at Spa Lady is good - I used to do it. And YES it is important to do that exercises right or risk injury. Take your time, read the diagram and ask if you don't get it. Sometimes the girl next to you will help if you ask, but a trainer or staff is best so you know it's right.
I used to feel people were watching me too and be self conscious. You'll get used to that, cause really they're just doing their own thing and probably didn't even notice you. Most people that are serious about it, really focus in the gym. They could be looking right at you and not see you.
Now I kinda like when the guys are checking me out. Makes me feel good. Like the old girl's still got it.
Re: deodorant - try the Sunrider one. It isn't cheap either but lasts forever. Rob and I share one and it lasts us a month or more with both of us using it. It's important to get one that doesn't have aluminum in it. Very bad, clogs pores, gets into your system - has been linked to breast cancer.
I will try the Sunrider one, thanks..
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