Today I did part two of the circuit and I have to say that bicep curls were the hardest for me which I really don't understand because I can do bicep curls with dumbells no problem but put some resistance behind it and I suck bigtime.
Hmmm, I will have to revisit that machine again.
I did a walk there and back so it was good to have a warmup and cooling down period. My arms are incredibly sore today and shaky. I wonder what it will be like tomorrow!!
My next session is Tues. after work and we are focusing on abs. Stay tuned.
Overall good session. I much prefer the other trainer. This one made me feel like one of the cattle pushed through ...
I'm looking forward to having Denise exercise with me so we can support each other and make sure we use the equipment correctly.. :-)
you should feel a little shaky when you're done - then you know you pushed yourself a little bit. If you feel nothing after or the next day, you didn't go hard enough or the weight was too light.
did she explain how many reps to do and when to move up to the next heaviest weight?
I usually hurt the second day. Stiffness is the first day. Today I'm feeling good but I imagine that tomorrow will be different. Last night was the hardest I worked out yet.
The circuit works like this: Work on machine until the light changes to red. Green means go.. I have been doing 20 reps on the machines non stop.
However, the abs hurt yesterday. I actually had a ab cramp. Now, that hurt!
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