back. Well, I thought it was my back but its actually my.. gluteous medius!!! That is #11 on the diagram. Which of course led me to believe that originally it was pain in my back. SO, here I am doing gentle stretches and sitting in a hot bath praying that I will be able to make it to work!! Brings new meaning to having a pain in your ass.. Rob will be laughing now.
what exercises did she have you do that worked that area?
Oh, it could have been the bike, the elliptical, the stretching... Oh, I dunno. Thank goodness I haven't felt pain like that again.. How is Rob's neck?
I was actually dissappointed that when my workout buddy had her evaluation that she too wasn't able to walk. She had a different trainer who was soft on her.. What's wrong with me to think these evil things. Heh.
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