Monday, June 9, 2008

Day One, Workout.

The first day, I lost my keys and almost didn't make my appointment but I found the keys and walked to the the gym which was 20 mins. away. A good warmup for my muscles. Was greeted by Kandy and she helped me get aquainted with the gym and into my assessment including measurements, BMI, nutrition, etc. I won't reveal the per centage of body fat due to embarrassment..

She made interesting comments about my nutrition. I don't drink milk and she feels that I need to take a calcium supplement and I do not eat enough fruit. I never have been a big fruit eater. I eat berries, bananas, the odd orange, the odd apple but generally don't care for fruit. She also commented that I don't eat enough carbs. Hmmm, I was taught carbs were bad. I eat carbs in my veggies but eat MINIMAL brown rice, brown pasta and ancient grains.. Well, I eat my oatmeal about 3x a week lately.

Workout wasn't hard on me except for my legs which were burning like fire! I don't care for the one stationary bike thing they have (not one only I mean) because the seat feels like its impaling me! Sit on that for 15 mins. The next day I was stiff and two days later now I'm stiff from my lower back to my toes! When I walk I can feel crackling and pain. I tried to tough it out by drinking Cali and Fortune but later gave in and took some liquid Advil.

My plan was to exercise Tues. night after work and have just found out that I've been recruited to help with an event so that doesn't work. I've called into the gym to rebook with Kandy and the answering machine comes on. I know that with my work/schedule that there will be times when I have to juggle things so its best I tackle this early on in ..


Darlene said...

Christina - re: calcium and milk. Even trained nutritionists will tell you that you need dairy for calcium and it's all a load of huey. Read The China Study if you haven't already, or watch one of Dr. McDougall's videos (we got one from the library). Dairy actually gives you a net LOSS of calcium in your body. Because it is acid forming, the liver has to take calcium from your bones to neutralize it - resulting in bone loss, not gain. The countries around the world that consume the most dairy foods have the highest osteoporosis rates! Just do what feels right to you and if she pushes you to eat dairy and you don't want to - just tell her "no" and that's that. Tell her to read the book or watch the video and judge for herself.

Fruit - yes it is good for you, loaded with anti-oxidants. If you do the Vitality Analysis with the added food sensitivities it will tell you which ones are good for you right now (+ numbers) and which aren't.

Carbs - when she says eat more carbs, what exactly is she referring to? If it's pasta and breads - say no. If it's whole grains and brown rice, sure. Don't forget that vegetables are carbs and most people don't think of it that way. I'd ask her to clarify what she means by that.

onesmartcookie said...

She respects what I told her I eat and the choices. She asked me what I was drinking the other day in my bottle. She thought it was Iced Tea. I told her it was Fortune Delight by Sunrider..

I haven't been eating very much in the way of grains or rice for weeks now. I'm introducing it in smaller portions every now and then through the week.