Sunday, June 29, 2008

Farm Fresh Food!

I went for my workout and because I had been only once last week instead of three times, it was hard getting everything moving but once I did it felt great. My workout buddy didn't come so I went by myself. That was ok.. I worked out the 60 mins. with minimal rest periods. I did two sets of cardio, the circuit and did abs.

I have problems doing bicep curls for some reason. I need to work on those. I think I will work with my dumbells at home to get where I need to be. All the other machines are no problem but try to lift 20 pounds on that machine and I'm wimpy. Hmmm....

Next time I am going to ask more questions about some of the equipment. I would like to use the Octane again because the other machine hurts my knees. I will also give the treadmill a go as well. I think I need to be shown how to use some of the other machines as well, I find them intimidating because I don't know how to use them and don't want to attempt it without knowing what I am doing.

I've eaten some lunch which was tasty! Eggs and veggies from St. Albert Farmer's Market from the Huterites. Drank lots of water already so we're off for the rest of the day outside.


HBC Run.

On Tuesday, I will be doing the HBC Run but I'm not running, I'm walking 3 KM. As well, I'm volunteering since HBC is the organizer of this event and its in Edmonton unlike last year, Red Deer. 'The venue is at Rundle Park which is a great park and I understand the temperatures will be.. 29 degrees so that means bringing sun screen and plenty of water!

This week, I have not been the gym except for Monday. Why? I let other things prevent me from reaching my goal of three times a week. I can make excuses that I was sick..getting ready for inventory...too hot...condo meetings....etc. but aren't those the same excuses I made when I saying I had no time to join a gym. I've decided that with the way I have been feeling; crappy, tired, fluish, that I NEED to get to the gym and sweat it out! I've decided as well that at 9:30 I am phoning my workout buddy who also committed to going three times a week that I am going to put fire under her butt to get her to some with me today. If not, I'm on my own. My gym bag is packed and I'm there for the opening. My plan is to do stretching, cardio, stretching, circuit, stretching, cardio and then finish up with some of the machines.

I'll update my progress after today's session.

Then, on Tuesday, its the 3 K walk. Thank you to everyone who supported my fund raising efforts, I achieved my target!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Where has the time gone?!

I may not have posted but its been incredibly busy. We had a major event, our tv/cable/internet went down for two days, getting ready for inventory, scheduling, condo meetings, etc. Not to mention I am still being held accountable to exercising three times a week.

The other day was hard. I had just gotten back from seeing Bodyworlds and lunch. I had gotten up early out of force of habit and slept when I got home. Before I knew it, it was six and I was showering and grabbing my clothes to go exercise. Other times I would have said, Screw It!

If you haven't see n Bodyworlds, I recommend it. It is amazing and has changed the way I see the human body. It inspired me even more so to get my butt to the gym. If you are sqeemish, it can be quite distressing because these are not wax fixures, these were living and breathing humans!

Oh yes, try to Vegetarian Chili at Upper Crust. Without the cheese and sour cream if you are not eating dairy. |Delish!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Learning to Breathe.

Sounds weird, eh? It took me 41 years but for the first time I have begun to breathe properly. Inhale with the exercise, exhale with the release. I tried this and it made a big difference in my asthma being triggered by exercise. No wheezing. No coughing. No tightness.

I remember being in the hospital after my emergency gall bladder surgery and my breathing went crazy because I was panicking. I actually had to stay in longer because I was on oxygen and my reading were not where they needed to be.

I remember having to use inhalers and I no longer need them. Usually my triggers were emotional. I no longer use inhalers or steriods.

I did all my exercises tonight and it was amazing. At last I was able to .. breathe.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


If you love Indian food like I do then try this recipe, please. Deanna will have to try this one! Heh, Rob taught me how to link up now, watch out!

Exercise Equiptment or Tools of Torture?

Last night, Denise (with pink running shoes!!!) and I went to our workout at the gym. The plan was for her to do her assessment but that didn't go as planned. She will have her assessment on Thurs. when we go again. That's tomorrow!

So, we were shown five different pieces of equiptment to work the stomach, love handles and core. I have already done the ab machine so I knew what that was about. The others, not so much. I have no idea what they are called but she wanted us to do three sets of ten on each of the machine after she demonstrated how to do it and we tried it before doing it on our own. That was after we did the elliptical for five, the whole sprint circuit, the elliptical again and then we go to go to the fancy machines that almost every woman in the gym got on while we were there.

Once again, I saw someone I knew and as she was RUNNING on the treadmill at warp speed, I walked by and waved. No word of a lie, her eyes went like saucers and she pulled her I POD earphones out of her ears. I'm lucky she didn't fly off the treadmill. Tee Hee. It was hilarious!

The other times I did the elliptical my knees didn't hurt. This time they hurt. I need to ask how to properly set this machine so I don't hurt my knees. Denise and I both agree its not our favourite machine. Its probably because it makes us sweat and tires us. I suppose its doing its job, eh? :-) We did that as our warmup which was five mins. Then, we went onto the circuit was much busier then other times I've been there. Since I Denise hasn't done this I showed her and she figured it out with the diagrams. She is smarter then me because she didn't use the equiptment backwards. Heh. According to the trainer, she was telling us that it takes 30 mins. Hmmm, I suppose we are slow and I suppose we were maybe doing too much? I'm thinking now, we were there for 90 mins. After that, we went to the bikes and did that for five mins. Then, back to the ab machines. Yes, we felt the burn.

Afterwards, we were like two wet rags but it was fun to workout with someone and we got to laugh every now and then. I could actually hear the music tonight and this morning not as sore as I have been in the past.

I've decided to hide my weight scale for awhile. A few days in and I decided to weigh myself. I was five pounds heavier. Oh oh. Then, it crept into my mind. I'm doing this to lose weight. I have to realized that..I have a journey ahead of me. This isn't going to happen after three sessions. It would be nice but that's not reality..

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Circus Circuit Part |Deux.

Today I did part two of the circuit and I have to say that bicep curls were the hardest for me which I really don't understand because I can do bicep curls with dumbells no problem but put some resistance behind it and I suck bigtime.

Hmmm, I will have to revisit that machine again.

I did a walk there and back so it was good to have a warmup and cooling down period. My arms are incredibly sore today and shaky. I wonder what it will be like tomorrow!!

My next session is Tues. after work and we are focusing on abs. Stay tuned.

Overall good session. I much prefer the other trainer. This one made me feel like one of the cattle pushed through ...

I'm looking forward to having Denise exercise with me so we can support each other and make sure we use the equipment correctly.. :-)

Why do grocery stores make it hard to eat healthy?

After the gym I made an attempt to buy a few things.

Sweet Potato.

Apparently Safeway has been out of them for awhile. I asked if there was a Sweet Potato shortage I wasn't aware of. :-) So, I wanted to talk to the Produce Manager and he was on a day off. Hmm, so I looked through their produce and Mann's makes a packaged (overpriced) cut sweet potatoes fries so I grabbed those so I could make Darlene's latest tasty recipe, Indian Spiced Lentil Burgers.

I've also come to the conclusion that i don't enjoy shopping at Safeway and will focus on shopping at Sobey's, Save On and Planet Organic. Today was the clincher for me when I went to go look for something to eat the lentil burgers on and I came across row of row of frozen bread products, pitas, wraps, etc. I asked the fellow there and he told me, "You'd be surprised all the products that arrive frozen". I told him that I don't mind buying it and then freezing it but that was my choice and I don't want to change the nutritional and freshness factor copromised if I can help it. Interesting...

Is the Universe telling me something?

Hmmm. Got up at six and was ready to go to river valley workout. Missed Jessie's several calls and an email from Rob because I worked until six and then found out brother's plane arrived late so decided to welcome the newlyweds home after their six week honeymoon in Europe. Visited, looked at pictures, heard stories of his encounter with 15 Sea Urchin needles in his foot and then before I knew it we were home after 11 PM. I kept thinking that I should be in bed so I would be awake for the workout in the morning at the River Valley.

I had originally booked a workout at the gym for today and forgot to cancel it. Looks like there is no way I can get there before their 10 AM start so I'll walk to the gym for my warmup, exercise and walk home today. Not my original plan but I'm incredibly stiff and my joints need some movement. Mentally, I need to do this because I don't want to fail on my commitment to exercise today.

My plan is to eat clean today. Yeah, I'm been eating some junk lately.. Last night's pizza at 8 PM for dinner and pizza/ceasar's salad at the Manager's Meeting this week. Some M and M's in the car on the way to seeing the family.

Mike and I are going out this evening so in the afternoon I'd like to go buy some running shoes for the gym. I'm going to retire my other ones I purchased from Wal Mart for $12.00 for outside ( I didn't invest in them because I didn't think I"d use them much) when I do make it to the river valley or when Mike and I go walking.

Nothing gets me more excited then a new pair of shoes ... I've never been shoe girl. .. Now, purses.. that's another thing!


Friday, June 13, 2008

Gym Blog Goes Live.

I posted about choosing a gym and its gone live. Check it out.

Raiders of the Lost Arc.

Last night, went to the gym to see Kandy. She thinks I might have done something to a nerve to get that much pain. Sciatic perhaps.

Anyways, 15 mins. on the Arc machine (it reminds me of skiing motions) and I was sweating like crazy. We're talking not just a light sweat but sweat that dripped onto the floor. I was courteous and cleaned up my slop! I don't think I've ever sweat so much in my life. After that I was exhausted and my legs felt wobbly/shaky.

|Then, we went through 1.2 of the Sprint circuit which is basically circuit of equipment to work different parts of your body. The light goes red when you are to stop and go to the next piece of the equipment. She showed me each one and got me to show her how I would do it. Then got me to go through on my own. She told me that I could go again if I thought I could..

It was pretty funny at times because the skinnies would watch me with their IPODS on. Well, maybe they weren't and I was self concious so it felt like it.. Anyways, I was proud about how I was doing and then on one machine I forgot how to use it and didn't take the time to read the diagram and was using it wrong. A young woman was watching me and came over to help me. A bit embarrassing but at least I knew how to do it right so I didn't hurt myself.

I can see that if you rush on these machines, use them incorrectly or get out of them quickly that you can really screw yourself up. I have to watch the weights on some of the machines too. She put me on 10 pounds and I wasn't paying attention and had it on 40 from someone else! I didn't realize until the end and might be sore for it tomorrow..

My next session is Sunday for 10:30. I will see how I feel tomorrow. Today is stiff in some areas. I need to make sure I stretch after exercise. Also, have learn t that I lean forward when using the machines so have to put more pressure on heels and calves. I will try to push myself more on Sunday.

Note to self: Why is Clinical Deodorant at Shopper's $10.00??

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Work In Progress.

|Today is the best I've felt since I exercised on Saturday!

I have an appointment with Kandy after work for my first official workout and she tells me that the assessment/workout is the hardest. She tells me the workouts will limber me up and we will find out why there was pain in that one area. I can tell you. My body was in shock. :-)
I have to get my butt off the chair and get ready to work. I will update once I get back from the gym.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Working through the pain.

Some people can handle pain, me I'm a wimp.

Yesterday the pain was the worst. I survived on Liquid Advils and today the pain (knock on wood) isn't as bad. I got a hold of my trainer and told her what has happened. I told her I'm discouraged and she told me the best thing to hear that I still have my range of motion which means I'm not hurt. Could I bend over to reach everything that I dropped yesterday, hell no!

I went to bed with lots of water and Advil after a massage by my husband which felt like heaven on earth but he knew I was in pain so he helped me out.. I walked funny and I had this pained look on my face. Someone actually asked me if it was worth it. This came from a person who does not exercise. This is the same person who told me that I wasn't feeling well because of all the weird food I had been eating. Ie, bean salads, hummus, whole foods. Sure, ok..

SO, here's my plan.. I work late today so I got a chance to sleep in. I was simply exhausted. Pain can really kick you in the teeth. I'm walking eight blocks to a venue to help out which will include some lifting. I will do what I can... I go to my next session on Thurs. night after work and will show her where my pain came from..

Down but not out!

Monday, June 9, 2008

I have intense pain my my..

back. Well, I thought it was my back but its actually my.. gluteous medius!!! That is #11 on the diagram. Which of course led me to believe that originally it was pain in my back. SO, here I am doing gentle stretches and sitting in a hot bath praying that I will be able to make it to work!! Brings new meaning to having a pain in your ass.. Rob will be laughing now.

Today's Breakfast.

Thrown into blender.

1 Banana
1 Cup of Almond Milk
1 tsp. of almond butter
1 Package of Nuplus
5 Quinary Caps.
1 Kiwi Fruit
5 Strawberries

Mmmms, so tasty!

Day One, Workout.

The first day, I lost my keys and almost didn't make my appointment but I found the keys and walked to the the gym which was 20 mins. away. A good warmup for my muscles. Was greeted by Kandy and she helped me get aquainted with the gym and into my assessment including measurements, BMI, nutrition, etc. I won't reveal the per centage of body fat due to embarrassment..

She made interesting comments about my nutrition. I don't drink milk and she feels that I need to take a calcium supplement and I do not eat enough fruit. I never have been a big fruit eater. I eat berries, bananas, the odd orange, the odd apple but generally don't care for fruit. She also commented that I don't eat enough carbs. Hmmm, I was taught carbs were bad. I eat carbs in my veggies but eat MINIMAL brown rice, brown pasta and ancient grains.. Well, I eat my oatmeal about 3x a week lately.

Workout wasn't hard on me except for my legs which were burning like fire! I don't care for the one stationary bike thing they have (not one only I mean) because the seat feels like its impaling me! Sit on that for 15 mins. The next day I was stiff and two days later now I'm stiff from my lower back to my toes! When I walk I can feel crackling and pain. I tried to tough it out by drinking Cali and Fortune but later gave in and took some liquid Advil.

My plan was to exercise Tues. night after work and have just found out that I've been recruited to help with an event so that doesn't work. I've called into the gym to rebook with Kandy and the answering machine comes on. I know that with my work/schedule that there will be times when I have to juggle things so its best I tackle this early on in ..

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Time to take things seriously.

My friend and I have joined a gym. She is in fact on holidays as I write this and today is my personal assessment as well as planning my workout routines for the next while. What is particularily nice is that it is ten minutes from my home.

I am sure I have lots to write about after my session today. In fact, I have lots to write about simply choosing a gym!

SO, stay tuned for my results. Most likely to come out on Rob's blog.


Monday, June 2, 2008

The Frustration has begun.

I have no idea who will read this but I am posting to proclaim my frustration and this is now deemed as my venting post.

Right now, health wise I feel I am a failure. Reason being, I had done so well changing a lifetime of poor eating habits and over the last month I have reverted to my poor eating habits. Fast food being one of them.

This started previous to my trip to Vegas. Excuse Number One. In my mind, it all started with: I'm on holidays and its ok to enjoy myself.
Excuse Number Two. Oh, I'll get this out of my system. But, you know what? I'm not on holidays anymore and I'm eating considerably worse then when I was on holidays and had all those foods close at hand and chose not to eat them or overly indulge.

Excuse Number Three: Oh, after this last meal. I'll start tomorrow.

Enter: Pizza, chocolate, hamburgers, garlic sticks, cheese dip, Chinese food, cake, chicken fingers, Tim Bits and coffee. As I make this list I realize that feeling went along with the taste of the food. Comfort food and connecting with others. The food, it was there. Was it tasty when I think about it? If I had to compare it to food I personally made, NO.

I've also noticed a decline in my energy and am suddenly tired ALL the time. Exhausted in fact.

My focus for the week now:

Drink Water
No sugar
No dairy
No processed foods
No white flour.
Increase Sunrider and Veggies.

Holy crap, I need some tough love right now. I'm sure if Scott was here he'd be kicking my ass.

Since he's not, I have to kick my own ass. This week, Denise and I are going to Club Fit to try out their gym...

David Viscott
You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.