Saturday, September 1, 2007

Crap Input Equals Crap Output.

This week, I've eaten crap. I had Chinese food with the family on Sunday and I wanted Indian Food (vegetarian) on Thursday but the place I love has closed down! So, nearby was Chinese. We opted for the easiest thing. Two nights ago, I binged on chocolate and last night was a Homer sized Hamburger. So, what is happening?

Stress. The ugly headed monster reared its head and consumed me. I wound myself up and after I ate the 'junk' I literally felt like crap. I've noticed that since I've been eating healthier I am able to handle stressful situations better and my energy, not where I want it to be isn't as quick to run out as it did. Imagine if I had stuck to my plan and how much more I could have accomplished.

Yesterday, I commited to part two of my journey. On Tuesday I begin my journey with Sunrider. I'm excited but concerned as how I will incorporate it into my day. However, as with everything, I have to realize that I cannot rebuild quickly what took 40 years to breakdown.


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