Friday, February 22, 2008

Coming around the bend.

I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't sleep. Went back to bed and slept until 10:30 AM.

11:00 AM 2 Eggs with coconut oil. Water. Water. 2Vitadophilis.

1:30 PM Small orange. Water.

2:44 Hungry. Will drink warm water with Fortune Delight.

1 comment:

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind said...

eating fruit to help would be more like this:

10 am: 2 oranges and 1 nuplus

noon: 2 apples

2 pm: 2 apples and 1 nuplus

4 pm: hungry (no shit - you've just eaten fruit all day) 2 apples and 2 oranges or fresh home made fruit salad

5 pm: 2 nuplus

7 pm: steamed veggies 1 cup plus a large salad

10 pm: fruit salad, hot fortune delight and a nuplus, then bed time

this would be about 800 calories or less (I'm estimating)

when doing a fruit fast, you eat LOTS of fruit, like 10 to 15 pieces a day.