Two weeks ago, a friend who I trust and who has experience in weight loss once again suggested I pick up the book Body For Life. Actually, he suggested it previous to that but because I was in resistance, I chose not to. I told myself stories that I didn't want to bulk up or that's for body builders! He suggested I pick it up for the exercises and strategies within. So, you can have things suggested to you that are for your own benefit but its you who CHOOSE whether or not do then, eh?
I had chosen to change my course of action because after nine months of being on another program it didn't provide my body with what it needed and I was not happy with the results. I wanted to lose more but wasn't there quite yet. Looking back at it now, it was my intention to lose the 25 pounds and I got what I believed I could get! Eighty pounds in my mind at that time was a very lofty target and seemed unreachable. I am very happy that I released 25 pounds and along the way learned more about my body, who I am, what I believe and learned lessons along the way. As I reflect back, it did benefit me.
No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively have the power to change
This is my new mantra. It can apply to any facet of your life. I am creating mental and physical strength. This means, that along the way I will in fact be releasing old beliefs, thought process and open myself up for change. Kinda scary but also exciting at the same time!
I never want to hear myself say or think that I wouldn't do something because it took too much (physcial) effort or I was "too tired". The last two years were the first time in my adult life that I hadn't checked out of social situations, events, etc. because of those (excuses) reasons. Don't get me wrong, I certainly am not perfect but when this situation arises I ask myself why I really do not want to go out or be there.
There is a world of difference between knowing what to do and actually doing it.
After one month of deciding my course of action and getting back on the horse, I did indeed take his advice and buy the book, "Body for Life. 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength". After only three days of implementing the food plan/eating plan I have released almost five pounds without special pills, high cost, and without altering my life! It is indeed early days but I am optimistic, happy and inspired.
Way to get back in the game darling!!
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