Saturday, July 24, 2010

Food - Doctor "Feelgood"

Yesterday and most of the week was crazy busy at work. Everyone in my immediate circle seemed to be stressed and anxious. The reason for this, CHANGE.

Normally, that's when things like chocolate, cheese, pizza or wine would beckon. Comfort. The euphoric, you are fine. Its ok. It is good. This time I stood my ground and stopped the process.

In the past, I have allowed myself to become a like a large sponge and absorb all around me which included nervous energies, anxiety, etc. This time I stepped back to observe and then asked myself, "What's going on here. Why do I have these cravings and where are these cravings coming from?" Also, I reminded myself that the stressors I was trying hard to detach myself from will too pass and just as they entered, they left.  I chose not to give them the power and to take my personal power away. The power to choose the best fuel for my body, the power to make decisions, and the power to think about the situations that arise instead of acting impulsively.

I am learning that the keeping of one's agreements, the changes my body is going through, the results, a healthy body that is strong feels much more incredible then the over indulgence and dissappointment of eating off plan would.

My lesson today is to not allow the stresses that come to me to keep me from my course.
Focus on progress not perfection
One day at a time...

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