Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 7. Thank you Lenny!

I would like to personally thank Lenny Kravitz for today's workout! lol.. If it hadn't been for that song, Are You Gonna Go My Way, I would have bailed because my legs were killing me. Today was leg workout and I completed it.

Today is Day Seven and I have to admit I am a bit bummed. I did a morning weigh in and the five pounds I had lost seemed to have resurfaced. Was it the salt or sugar from yesterday that caused the bloat? Now I realize that FREE DAY isn't truely that for me if I want results. Next week will be A Free Meal on the FREE MEAL Day. I have a food hangover today and admit I don't feel as good as yesterday.

So, tonight I have finished organized my meals for tomorrow and my treat for tonight was a pedicure with shiny red polish. It was wonderful!

What other rewards can I give myself when I work hard and complete what I intended to do? Normally it would be a dinner out, chocolate or other food reward. Time to re pattern my habits.