Thursday, July 22, 2010

Broken Agreements.

Isn't it interesting how we won't break agreements to others but suddenly we are breaking agreements to ourselves. In my case, the gym is one of those agreements.

Too busy. Too tired. I don't enjoy exercise. It hurts when I exercise. Sound familiar? Yep, sounds just like some of the excuses I have used or some of the stories I was telling! So instead of going to the gym which strengthened by body, I allowed myself to break promises to myself about.. exercising throughout the week and it didn't happen.

While reading  Body For Life, there are pages about Honouring Self Promises. This is a biggie for me! I would never tell someone I would be, do or help them if I wasn't going to do it! So, quite honestly, I developed a pattern of not honoring self promises. If I can't trust on my own personal word then perhaps this is why I have had and admitidly continue to have some challenges in my life. I have the tools to succeed, I have the rules, and I have the ability but I choose not to succeed by not honoring
my own word.
Do I keep my own word to myself? Answer this honestly.

Notice how differently you feel when you keep your word to yourself then when you do not. When you don't you suddenly become filled with uncertainty, anxiety, anger and your self confidence is lacking. When you honour the promises you made, you feel confident, satisfied, light and happy.

Today was an example of this for me. My personal agreement was to workout twice this week and when I made it to the gym I realized I hadn't been there since June! That certainly didn't support my goals.

Tonight, once I made it to the gym I was proud I made the effort and fufilled my personal agreement. After working out, I felt satisfied that I had fulfilled my agreement and happy with my results. So much so that after dinner we went for a walk..

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