Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Process

I am impatient soul sometimes. Sometimes I wish I could wave my magic wand and.. POOF! things would happen. I have to learn to trust the Universe that things will happen as they should as I impatiently drum my fingers on the table.

My strategies are:

Nuture myself. Take the time to do things I enjoy that do no involve food and doing things that are free or cost me very little. Self care.
*Bubble Bath.
*Download some of my favourite music
*Put my feet up and RELAX
*Phone a friend
*Go to bed by 10 PM and allow my body time to rejuvenate and refresh
*Wander through an art gallery
*Go for a walk
*Use up certificates for Massage, Pedicure and Manicure
*Watch a show or movie that makes me laugh

Those are my own personal ideas. What are yours that you do?

The 80/20 Rule: Eat well 80% of the week and treat yourself for one day so you don't feel deprived. I have been on diets that were so strict that I ate anything other than, I felt out of control! Then, I thought. Fuck, I've blown it so ... what the hell! Allow yourself some of the unhealthy food and enjoy it GUILT FREE. It is not cheating.

Journalling. Blogging. Its here. The good, the bad and the ugly. For me, it takes courage to post what I am feeling, thinking and experiencing. Someone told me it was vanity publishing and I can honestly say its not. I do it for myself and if there is anyone out there who takes one thing from my experience than I am thrilled!

Distraction. Take my mind off of food. That can mean shift in location, challenge your mind to shift your thinking or shifting gears to an activity. Your thoughts are very powerful: Have a craving? Say the alphabelt backwards, recall birthdates, recite a poem. You will break your thoughts. Shifting the location from food can mean so many things! Sweep the floor, clean, work in another area, go for a walk around the block. My thing will be going for a walk when the cravings hit. I've started doing this at breaktime so I just leave the store and clear my mind. I've given up Starbucks and changed over to David's Teas. I'm saving money too!
Shift with activities: Crosswords, reading, read, put on music and dance, deep breathing, meditation, email a friend, stretches, yoga...

Put your cravings on hold: Cravngs will generally last and hit their peak at 6-10 minutes. I agree to wait 15 minutes before I decide to give into my craving. Ie, eat meal and decide if I need more. Have you ever been so hungry and ravenous that you just needed more but didn't allow your body to say thank you? Use a distraction while waiting and it too shall pass.


Rob said...

I'm confused. With the amount of glutamine you're consuming, you shouldn't have any cravings. Glutamine shuts off cravings for everyone else, so I'm not sure why you have cravings still. I'm guessing it's not a craving but rather just a sudden interest in the food. Possible?

onesmartcookie said...

Please clarify amount of glutamine and times that you would recommend?