Thursday, January 17, 2013

Green Carrot Ginger Juice

Joe Cross's documentary has inspired me. When you are inspired, you share your excitement with others and you never know who you might convert.. Such was this case.. 

I had casually mentioned to my room mate about juicing and four days ago a new Big Boss juicer sat on the kitchen counter. The receipt for $60.00 waiting to be reimbursed. I had to laugh at the silly name and was curious to see if it could do the job that a Breville Juicer could. The Breville, priced at over $200 was something that I would aspire to at this point.

The machine sat in its box and I wasn't well enough to get the fresh produce I needed so the next night I went onto that I found the perfect recipe for the flu virus I was battling. I made a shopping list and once again, with encouragement.. the room mate went off to pick up the ingredients. Kale, Cucumber, Carrots, Fresh Ginger, Apples as well as Oranges, Spinach, Beets and Celery. 

My juice of choice, Green Carrot Ginger Juice promised to pack a punch by building my immunity. Essential minerals; Magnesium, Calcium, and Manganese. Vitamin B6. Beneficial in balancing blood sugars, soothing an upset stomach, and preventing muscle soreness. 

I was ready to begin! 
Juicing Tips
  • Thoroughly wash all vegetables to remove any dirt or pesticides. Buying Organic will prevent issues such as pesticides and encourage maximum micro nutrients. 
  • Remove any blemishes or dark spots. Fresh is always best and will provide you with the most nutritious juice! 
  • Cut fruit in halves. Break other vegetables in sizes large enough to fit into juicer feed tube.   
  •  Turn on juicer for 10 seconds before feeding vegetables into the chute. This will prevent the juicer from stalling. 
  • Make sure to have container under spout to collect juice and monitor levels of juice to prevent spillage. 
  • Roll leafy vegetables such as Kale into a ball and alternate with other vegetables to ease juice extraction and blend juice. 
  • Serve and enjoy immediately. If you must, juice can be stored in a sealed glass Mason type jar in the fridge and be kept up to 2 days. 

Served with Ice. 

Cleanup Tips

  •  Remove pulp from machine. Can be used for the compost or baked goods. I haven't gone that far, I toss mine into the garbage. 
  • Disassemble all parts, rinse and clean immediately. Trust me, its much easier to do as soon as you are finished. Once produce fibers start to harden, you're not going to enjoy cleanup! 
  • Tiny parts in the mesh can grow bacteria so for healthy juicing and for the life of your machine, take the time to clean and maintain your juicer with all its parts.  

Fresh fruits and vegetables taste nothing like the over processed, frozen or canned ones. I could taste each flavor and a bit more ginger was to my liking. I drank my juice, rested and tomorrow, I had a scheduled doctor's appointment because I saw no improvement with my worsening cough, sinuses and fatigue. I was curious to hear her thoughts on what was happening and I wanted to hear her opinion on juicing....

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