I started my juicing journey because of someone else. I thought it was a healthy way to eat, I wanted to act as support for another person and I thought it would be a win-win for both of us. Unfortunately, that person has chosen to dissappear and not wanting what I was offering. Shrug. So, I continue on my journey on my own. I was going to write.. I will continue on my journey but I am never alone. After that happened, I waivered but I am back on track..
The whole point of being alive is to evolve into the complete person you were intended to be.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Day Four -- Cellery, Cucumber and Pear Juice
Nom nom. Very tasty! Had full serving of the juice for breakfast.
Forgot to take antibiotics early morning so made a small bowl of Bob's Steel Cut Oats with a tsp. of cashew butter. Yes, it takes 20 mins. to make but it is so worth the effort! I make a large pot and have a few days worth in the fridge on hand instead of grabbing a muffin on the way to work.
Personal stress has made me wobble a bit but I am not going to fall off track! I'm going to go de stress with a pedicure now..
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Day Three. Fennel Juice
Day Three.
My first day back to work after being off for an entire week. I was more than anxious to get back to work because being at home sick is not my idea of fun. I had a bad case of cabin fever. I knew that a pile of work awaited me and I would have many loose ends to tie up before I could start my regular day!
So how was I going to incorporate what I had been eating at home for a regular day at work?
The night before, I made Winter White Juice which was very different because one of the main ingredients was Fennel. My Dad had grown Fennel in his garden and I loved the licorice smell but never thought of actually eating this odd veggie. The nice thing about the www.rebootwithjoe.com is that with each recipe there are substitutions so, if you don't like a particular item there are alternate suggestions. I didn't have Barlett pears but I did have apples so I used those. I have been on a ginger kick because of troubles with digestion due to antibiotics so I put some into the juice. When tasting it, the ginger overpowered the more subtle taste of the other ingredients. So, when trying anything new, be prepared for some experimentation that don't work. I took it in a sealed Mason type glass jar and stored it in the fridge to be consumed that day.
Before leaving to work, I had a serving of Green Carrot Ginger Juice which held me over until a break in the afternoon. I also packed two 2 liters of water with me as well. I usually, drop by the drugstore and buy bottled water to have at my desk so I saved myself $3.00. By drinking the juice, I also skipped my normal Americano Coffee and Muffin which saved me another $5.00
I was spending $100 a month on coffee and muffins!
Dinner. 4:00 PM I had tried other Smoothies before and usually choose the fruity ones. Not many healthy choices to choose in the food court so I was excited when I saw that the Pita Pit in the mall was now carrying "healthy" smoothies. Pure Blenz. I chose the Metabolic which had Kale, Berries, Apples, Banana, Wheat Grass, Blue Algae, etc. I asked her to add ginger to give it a bit of a spike. I watched as she took items out the freezer and the blender hidden around the corner as if it was a secret what was going into the blender. I tasted it and it certainly didn't have the nutritional punch or taste that my smoothies at home had. It was ok. I might give the smoothie another try when I am in a pinch. Normally, I'd buy a meal in the foodcourt with water. This cut my cost in half.
After Work: Hungry. I admit that many times through Christmas that I created some horrible habits. One of them became the drive through. Too tired to cook. Too hungry to think about what I was going to eat. So, I went straight home and made the Goji Goodness. I substituted the banana and avocado with oranges and apples. Delicious! In a pinch, this could be made and frozen over night. A slow thaw for a healthy lunch.
The other snacks I had through the day was rye bread with Cashew Butter and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese mixed with cinnamon, apple sauce.
eating well,
fat loss,
goji berries,
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Day Two -- Stumblin
Today is Day Two and I am stumbling through the day. It was a day of juice, water, and water with Chia Seeds.
Yesterday I went through all the cleansing and it continued today as well. Hot and Cold. Tired. Fatigue. Headache. I even went through the day where my hunger was actually the craving to chew, savor and devour something. I did eat a sandwich. Not my proudest moment but I own it and move forward.
I am still at home sick and looking forward to getting back to work so I have some routine again. I've been off work now for six days and getting cabin fever. That makes me anxious.
My Commitments
Yesterday I went through all the cleansing and it continued today as well. Hot and Cold. Tired. Fatigue. Headache. I even went through the day where my hunger was actually the craving to chew, savor and devour something. I did eat a sandwich. Not my proudest moment but I own it and move forward.
I am still at home sick and looking forward to getting back to work so I have some routine again. I've been off work now for six days and getting cabin fever. That makes me anxious.
Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. ~ Deepak Chopra ~
My Commitments
- In bed by 11 PM and no later each night. I haven't been giving my body the rest that it needs at night.
- Increase water intake. Take water bottle to work with me each day.
- Daily supplements of multivitamin, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Calcium.
- Morning juice. Elimination of Coffee and Muffin in morning.
- Bring juice and smoothies to work to eat throughout the day for month of January 2013.
- Weekly weigh in.
- Eliminate all sodas and store bought juices. Only fresh juice, water and herbal teas.
Day One
Breakfast was the Roots and Fruits Juice.
I headed to the doctor and was diagnosed with Bronchitis. I was resistant to being prescribed antibiotics but knew that if I didn't take care of it now, that I would end up with Pneumonia which has happened to me in the past. I realized that with the juice that I was off to a healthy start so was a good patient and have agreed to take the medication for 10 days.
My doctor was impressed and congratulated me. I had chosen to go the juicing route. She is a firm believer of the Hunter and Gatherer diet. Processed foods contribute nothing to the general well or health of the individual. I have committed to full blood work in three months time to see the results and to review it with her.
Lunch was Green Carrot and Ginger Juice. I decided to experiment and made one serving of the Beet-ini. which was fun, i drank half of the serving but within less then an hour I had a reaction that lasted throughout the day. it was definitely cleansing my body! I didn't have fresh mint which would give it a more cleaner taste and it was quite thick in consistency.
I headed to the doctor and was diagnosed with Bronchitis. I was resistant to being prescribed antibiotics but knew that if I didn't take care of it now, that I would end up with Pneumonia which has happened to me in the past. I realized that with the juice that I was off to a healthy start so was a good patient and have agreed to take the medication for 10 days.
My doctor was impressed and congratulated me. I had chosen to go the juicing route. She is a firm believer of the Hunter and Gatherer diet. Processed foods contribute nothing to the general well or health of the individual. I have committed to full blood work in three months time to see the results and to review it with her.
Lunch was Green Carrot and Ginger Juice. I decided to experiment and made one serving of the Beet-ini. which was fun, i drank half of the serving but within less then an hour I had a reaction that lasted throughout the day. it was definitely cleansing my body! I didn't have fresh mint which would give it a more cleaner taste and it was quite thick in consistency.
The Beet-tini |
Benefits of the Beet
- It contains sodium, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, vitamins B1, B2, C.
- The juice is rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, but low in calories.
- The protien factors or amino acids are good in both quality and qauntity. Rich in alkaline elecments, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron.
- Beet juice is rich in sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sulphur, chlorine, iodine, iron, copper, vitamins B1, B2, C
- Beet juice in combination with carrot or cucumber is on the finest cleansers for the kidneys and gall bladder.
Green Carrot Ginger Juice
Joe Cross's documentary has inspired me. When you are inspired, you share your excitement with others and you never know who you might convert.. Such was this case..
I had casually mentioned to my room mate about juicing and four days ago a new Big Boss juicer sat on the kitchen counter. The receipt for $60.00 waiting to be reimbursed. I had to laugh at the silly name and was curious to see if it could do the job that a Breville Juicer could. The Breville, priced at over $200 was something that I would aspire to at this point.
The machine sat in its box and I wasn't well enough to get the fresh produce I needed so the next night I went onto www.rebootwithjoe.com that I found the perfect recipe for the flu virus I was battling. I made a shopping list and once again, with encouragement.. the room mate went off to pick up the ingredients. Kale, Cucumber, Carrots, Fresh Ginger, Apples as well as Oranges, Spinach, Beets and Celery.
I had casually mentioned to my room mate about juicing and four days ago a new Big Boss juicer sat on the kitchen counter. The receipt for $60.00 waiting to be reimbursed. I had to laugh at the silly name and was curious to see if it could do the job that a Breville Juicer could. The Breville, priced at over $200 was something that I would aspire to at this point.
http://www.amazon.com/Big-Boss-700-Watt-Juicer-Black/dp/B004FLK0IW |
The machine sat in its box and I wasn't well enough to get the fresh produce I needed so the next night I went onto www.rebootwithjoe.com that I found the perfect recipe for the flu virus I was battling. I made a shopping list and once again, with encouragement.. the room mate went off to pick up the ingredients. Kale, Cucumber, Carrots, Fresh Ginger, Apples as well as Oranges, Spinach, Beets and Celery.
My juice of choice, Green Carrot Ginger Juice promised to pack a punch by building my immunity. Essential minerals; Magnesium, Calcium, and Manganese. Vitamin B6. Beneficial in balancing blood sugars, soothing an upset stomach, and preventing muscle soreness.
I was ready to begin!
Juicing Tips
- Thoroughly wash all vegetables to remove any dirt or pesticides. Buying Organic will prevent issues such as pesticides and encourage maximum micro nutrients.
- Remove any blemishes or dark spots. Fresh is always best and will provide you with the most nutritious juice!
- Cut fruit in halves. Break other vegetables in sizes large enough to fit into juicer feed tube.
- Turn on juicer for 10 seconds before feeding vegetables into the chute. This will prevent the juicer from stalling.
- Make sure to have container under spout to collect juice and monitor levels of juice to prevent spillage.
- Roll leafy vegetables such as Kale into a ball and alternate with other vegetables to ease juice extraction and blend juice.
- Serve and enjoy immediately. If you must, juice can be stored in a sealed glass Mason type jar in the fridge and be kept up to 2 days.
Served with Ice. |
Cleanup Tips
- Remove pulp from machine. Can be used for the compost or baked goods. I haven't gone that far, I toss mine into the garbage.
- Disassemble all parts, rinse and clean immediately. Trust me, its much easier to do as soon as you are finished. Once produce fibers start to harden, you're not going to enjoy cleanup!
- Tiny parts in the mesh can grow bacteria so for healthy juicing and for the life of your machine, take the time to clean and maintain your juicer with all its parts.
Fresh fruits and vegetables taste nothing like the over processed, frozen or canned ones. I could taste each flavor and a bit more ginger was to my liking. I drank my juice, rested and tomorrow, I had a scheduled doctor's appointment because I saw no improvement with my worsening cough, sinuses and fatigue. I was curious to hear her thoughts on what was happening and I wanted to hear her opinion on juicing....
Rebooting My Life
A week ago, I was given a video to watch by a friend who is currently on a weight loss journey to better health. It was called, Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. It is a documentary of Joe Cross, an Australian who was on a quest for better health by losing weight, eliminating his medications and dealing with a debilitating disease as he traveled the U.S., his story and inspired Phil, a trucker to lose weight through juicing.
I'm open minded enough to give it a watch and have watched plenty of videos including Food Matters, Supersize Me, Food Inc. and most recently Hungry for Change. Watch the trailer here http://youtu.be/x9SGWcZwk7c
What impressed me most about this documentary was that it wasn't all soap box and preachy. His thoughts, ideas and logic was something that was easy to.. digest. One of the most simplistic scenes in the movie that resonated with me happened with the idea that as a child you would injure your body and the body's ability to heal itself. In today's society, we are quick to self medicate or see a doctor instead of supplying our body with a wealth of nutrients to basically reset, repair or as a computer does.. reboot!
The idea of juicing appeals to me because it involves no cooking, minimal prep, natural ingredients, no preservatives and improved health. Who doesn't want more energy, better sleep, clear skin, weight loss, and the potential to stop taking prescribed medications?
In December, I was overworked and stressed from a busy Christmas season in retail. On Christmas Day, I was so sick that I could only eat turkey soup and my three 3 day Christmas break that I had been looking forward to was spent in bed with the flu. During that time, I also had emergency dental surgery so in all ways I was very ill. I was tired, sick and not in a happy place. Finally, after all my body had been through, I was starting to feel more like myself.
Then, on the continued path of eating poorly and not getting enough sleep as well as constant contact with the viruses that are circulating, I got hit again. Out of frustration, I went to the doctor instead of medicating from the drugstore. My doctor, was unavailable so I settled for a medi center. There, I was given a prescription and told to get rest.
While resting, I sat down and took the time to watch the video. Juicing is something I want to incorporate into my life. Will I do it for 60 days? No.What I do know is that it is a great way to get me back to optimal health and supplement as well as inspire me to improve my current eating.
I will blog my journey to great health...
I'm open minded enough to give it a watch and have watched plenty of videos including Food Matters, Supersize Me, Food Inc. and most recently Hungry for Change. Watch the trailer here http://youtu.be/x9SGWcZwk7c
![]() |
Fat Sick and Nearly Dead by Joe Cross. |
What impressed me most about this documentary was that it wasn't all soap box and preachy. His thoughts, ideas and logic was something that was easy to.. digest. One of the most simplistic scenes in the movie that resonated with me happened with the idea that as a child you would injure your body and the body's ability to heal itself. In today's society, we are quick to self medicate or see a doctor instead of supplying our body with a wealth of nutrients to basically reset, repair or as a computer does.. reboot!
The idea of juicing appeals to me because it involves no cooking, minimal prep, natural ingredients, no preservatives and improved health. Who doesn't want more energy, better sleep, clear skin, weight loss, and the potential to stop taking prescribed medications?
In December, I was overworked and stressed from a busy Christmas season in retail. On Christmas Day, I was so sick that I could only eat turkey soup and my three 3 day Christmas break that I had been looking forward to was spent in bed with the flu. During that time, I also had emergency dental surgery so in all ways I was very ill. I was tired, sick and not in a happy place. Finally, after all my body had been through, I was starting to feel more like myself.
Then, on the continued path of eating poorly and not getting enough sleep as well as constant contact with the viruses that are circulating, I got hit again. Out of frustration, I went to the doctor instead of medicating from the drugstore. My doctor, was unavailable so I settled for a medi center. There, I was given a prescription and told to get rest.
While resting, I sat down and took the time to watch the video. Juicing is something I want to incorporate into my life. Will I do it for 60 days? No.What I do know is that it is a great way to get me back to optimal health and supplement as well as inspire me to improve my current eating.
I will blog my journey to great health...
fat loss,
Healthy Eating,
lose weight,
You Tube Video
Alberta, Canada
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Gratitude -- 2012 -- Thoughts
Jan. 16th, 2013
I want to take some time to reflect upon last year because even though it was one of the most challenging years if my adult life, it was the year I took great strides in deciding and taking action in my life. Not only was it challenging in my professional life as there were numerous changes but in my personal life.
I want to first acknowledge the end of my 15 year relationship with my partner Mike. We are in transition now and the home we bought together is for sale. I am anxious to move forward with my new life and have a place that is my home. There are many things that I am grateful for and most importantly, I now know what I do and do not want from a relationship and from a partner. Over the years, I admit that I outgrew the relationship and that ultimately we want different things in life. It was a hard thing to do, to speak it and to bring it to an end. I stayed for comfort, familiarity, laziness, finances, etc. I realize now that I wasn't doing either of us any favors and it should have been done a long time ago. Needless to say, its in the final stages and that perhaps is my only regret. All of what has happened, all that occurred and all that I experienced has brought me to this place.
I did a great deal of travelling this year alone. I spent one week in Niagara Falls which I had not been to for over 25 years. It was shortly after my 45th birthday and the end of my 15 year partnership. I spent time with special friends touring vineyards, tourist sites, dinners on the patio, and just relaxing. While there I spent time with my friend's daughters, Julie and Judy. Julie and her husband gave me an unofficial tour of Niagara Falls and took me out for dinner as well. Judy surprised me with an amazing suite in an upscale hotel as well as fine dining in one of the city's most prestigious and well renowned restaurants. I truly felt like a Queen!
On a very sad note, six months after seeing Julie, she was diagnosed with Cancer. She passed away two weeks later. My heart hurt when I heard the news and deeply saddened when hearing of her passing. I cannot imagine how it felt for the news of the diagnosis but to digest the fact that their beloved daughter and sister was now gone. Julie was one of the most selfless women I have met. She worked hard. She loved with a large heart. She would do anything for anyone. I remember stories of her Mom telling me how she would make apple pies at harvest time. Not just six but up to a hundred. She would take them to her customers, to seniors and to those who didn't have the chance to leave their homes. She was a great lover of animals and took in a one eyed pug dog because no one else would have him. Even while in Ontario, I'd receive a text to make sure I was fine or if I needed anything. I am so fortunate to have met her and remember her smile fondly.
I am so proud of my niece Sabrina who finished her Child and Youth care diploma. She went back to Grant MacEwan and got her degree! The family gathered to celebrate her accomplishment and wouldn't you know, a few months later she got a promotion. In a career which is unrecognized and not given the accolades it deserves, she is making an impact one youth at a time.
Not all of them were bad dates. There were some amazing men who simply weren't ready for what I had to offer or I couldn't offer them what they needed. As simple as that. So, I am dating.
I want to take some time to reflect upon last year because even though it was one of the most challenging years if my adult life, it was the year I took great strides in deciding and taking action in my life. Not only was it challenging in my professional life as there were numerous changes but in my personal life.
It was like a roller coaster ride. There were times I was laughing, crying, screaming, giggling and holding on with white knuckles. Just writing that now reminds me of something a friend says, "Life. Enjoy the ride".
I want to first acknowledge the end of my 15 year relationship with my partner Mike. We are in transition now and the home we bought together is for sale. I am anxious to move forward with my new life and have a place that is my home. There are many things that I am grateful for and most importantly, I now know what I do and do not want from a relationship and from a partner. Over the years, I admit that I outgrew the relationship and that ultimately we want different things in life. It was a hard thing to do, to speak it and to bring it to an end. I stayed for comfort, familiarity, laziness, finances, etc. I realize now that I wasn't doing either of us any favors and it should have been done a long time ago. Needless to say, its in the final stages and that perhaps is my only regret. All of what has happened, all that occurred and all that I experienced has brought me to this place.
I did a great deal of travelling this year alone. I spent one week in Niagara Falls which I had not been to for over 25 years. It was shortly after my 45th birthday and the end of my 15 year partnership. I spent time with special friends touring vineyards, tourist sites, dinners on the patio, and just relaxing. While there I spent time with my friend's daughters, Julie and Judy. Julie and her husband gave me an unofficial tour of Niagara Falls and took me out for dinner as well. Judy surprised me with an amazing suite in an upscale hotel as well as fine dining in one of the city's most prestigious and well renowned restaurants. I truly felt like a Queen!
On a very sad note, six months after seeing Julie, she was diagnosed with Cancer. She passed away two weeks later. My heart hurt when I heard the news and deeply saddened when hearing of her passing. I cannot imagine how it felt for the news of the diagnosis but to digest the fact that their beloved daughter and sister was now gone. Julie was one of the most selfless women I have met. She worked hard. She loved with a large heart. She would do anything for anyone. I remember stories of her Mom telling me how she would make apple pies at harvest time. Not just six but up to a hundred. She would take them to her customers, to seniors and to those who didn't have the chance to leave their homes. She was a great lover of animals and took in a one eyed pug dog because no one else would have him. Even while in Ontario, I'd receive a text to make sure I was fine or if I needed anything. I am so fortunate to have met her and remember her smile fondly.
I am so proud of my niece Sabrina who finished her Child and Youth care diploma. She went back to Grant MacEwan and got her degree! The family gathered to celebrate her accomplishment and wouldn't you know, a few months later she got a promotion. In a career which is unrecognized and not given the accolades it deserves, she is making an impact one youth at a time.
Summer came quickly and during the months of July and August I managed to injure my knee once but twice! I've never had a knee injury before so it was a new experience for me. Xrays, tests, etc. I was on desk duty for two weeks and that was the hardest part. My job requires me to be mobile so to stay in one spot was a challenge for me! With rest and supplements, it is on the mend and it should be healed by the time my appointment for my MRI comes --- May 2013! I certainly took my mobility for granted.
Even though my knee was injured, I decided that I would take a holiday to the mountains so in August I hopped onto the Greyhound bus and made my way to stay at the Banff Caribou Lodge for a week. It had a magnificent hot pools inside the hotel and spa facilities. I took day trips into the mountains and up to the hot springs. It was the first time I had worn a bathing suit since I was 18. I met two women from England who befriended me and we went to the Tunnel Mountain for the day. Gondola rides, horse and carriage rides, hiking, walking, art galleries or just a leisurely stroll along downtown Banff. It was one of my most memorable experiences.
Trip Three was totally spontaneous. Three days and I had booked, planned and landed in Vegas alone. People thought i was crazy, nuts and didn't get it. You really are never alone in Sin City. When I decide to do something I just do it. I shopped, saw LaReve which was simply exquisite, stayed out at Fremont Street until the wee hours, dined with an Australian family, wandered and did as I wanted. No schedules. It was the right thing to do and what I needed.
Dating in your forties is sure different then when you are in your late 20's! Its scary. Who wants to be rejected! One of the reasons I delayed leaving my relationship was because I hated dating. Now, I began to think I should see who was out there so in November I joined Plenty of Fish. I met some of the most bizarre, unique, crazy and there were people I definitely would not have met if it wasn't for this website. I have known people who have met their partners and even husbands online so I thought I'd give it a go! I could write a book about my experiences. I remind myself if this:
People come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.
Not all of them were bad dates. There were some amazing men who simply weren't ready for what I had to offer or I couldn't offer them what they needed. As simple as that. So, I am dating.
I'm taking 2013 to get back to me. To find what was misplaced or put on the shelf. Its time.
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