Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Week One of Weight Watchers

Its been three years since I joined Weight Watchers for the .. second time. This time I am much more smarter about food, eating, my body and exercise. I've been doing a lot of reading in the form of books, the internet and have made friends with people who are in the fitness, nutrition and life coaching professions. I have all the tools I need and a body that can move so I'm now I am armed to be the Fat Warrior I intend to be!

Here is my action plan:

  • Gym workouts 2-3 times a week which will include cardio, weights and stretching.
  • Staying within my points allowance as per Weight Watchers guidelines
  • Other activities will include Wii Fitt, 100 Squats 3 x a week Challenge and walking.
  • Drinking 2 Liters of water each day.
  • No dairy (effective today I have chosen to fully commit to this and stop eating cheese for 30 days. In the past year I have eliminated all dairy except for cheese)
  • Going grain free for one week. Starting today for one week. This will be a challenge for me: I love all grains! Quinoa, Rice, etc.. I want to see what results this will bring.
Things I've noticed about people who are new to Weight Watchers:

  • Getting bored quickly of eating the same foods day in and day out. Oh, I ate this today and lost weight this week so I will eat it again. Me, variety is the spice of life so I like to experiment. Hence, the grains and cheese challenges. If a person gets bored, are they likely to continue on the path? Switch it up before poor habits return.

  • Weight Watchers the brand. Go to the supermarket and you have Weight Watchers meals including desserts! Go to the meetings and you can buy everything from cookbooks to measuring spoons! I will buy the tracker book, the free trackers are too tiny. Getting hooked on their low point bars. I got to hooked I wouldn't eat just one or two. I'd eat the box by the end of the day but counted the point. Not a good choice for healthy eating.

  • They are not eating all their points. Eat. I spoke to one friend and her diet was coffee, chocolate, yogurt and one cup of water. She asked me what I recommended. Eat your points. Choose from proteins, vegetables, grains, oils, etc.. Your body needs fuel. I've eaten all my points. I think its hard for people who are suddenly drinking more water then they ever have and have the full feeling due to water consumption.

  • Drink your water. Most people don't drink enough water. Its hard if you aren't used to it and now there are lineups to the restroom. :-) Don't worry, your body will soon adjust itself and washroom breaks will be less frequent.

  • Eating more vegetables. Many are 0 or low points. You can eat more food and not eat many points so chew away! One person's spouse commented this is the most vegetables he has seen in their house!

Weight Watchers tips for the week and eating healthy:

Take one medium baked potato. Wash and prick with holes, cut in half and wrap in tin foil. Bake in oven for 1 hour at 450 degrees. When done, peel skin off and ready to eat. You can sprinkle herbs and lightly season with oil to cook. I choose, 1 tsp. of Udo's Oil and pepper. 3 points. Serve with veggies and salad.

When making recipes, watch your portion. Measure amounts and put into containers for meals later on. One friend went through her pantry and labeled everything with a felt tip marker. Ie, Can of Tuna 1/2 cup 3 points

Try new veggies that are 0 or low points. Ie, Kale, Swiss Chard, Bok Chewy.

Drink your water. Add lemon, lime or apple cider vinegar.

Today is my first weigh in and I suspect some weight loss. I will post the results. Stay tuned!


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