Monday, November 19, 2007

Vegetarian For One Week

One Week As A Vegetarian -- OneSmartCookie's Story
One day while surfing on the Internet I came across a website challenging anyone who wanted to, to go Vegetarian for a week. Imagine the impact you could have. No meat, eggs or dairy for one week. I have been gradually been going towards a whole food, no meat diet for the last two months. So, for me this felt like the right thing to do and I wanted to see how it would be do give up my favourites like cheese and chicken.In preparation for this, I went to the grocery stores and specialty food stores like Planet Organic to get ready for this challenge. It almost made me feel I was the gatherer who was getting ready for a seasonal harvest of sorts. In my travels, I purchased new foods like Tempeh, Tofu, Filberts, Pine Nuts, Buckwheat Noodles and went back to my favourite green leafy vegetable, Kale. For the sake of convenience, I found small bags of prewashed baby carrots perfect for lunches and matchstick carrot sticks perfect for stirfrys and salads. Bagged salads were a simple choice and I could add extra veggies, beans, peas, seeds or nuts to add variety. Beansprouts would be great for salads and sandwiches on sprouted bread. I used my snack bags with Ziplock for roasted red peppers, celery sticks, nuts, seeds and dried fruit which were great for a sudden hunger pang. My trusty Sunrider Vitalite Sunbars would work as my snack or in a pinch, two could work as a meal with a smoothie. I added whole grains into my eating which included Quinoa, Wheat and Brown Rice.
In the freezer, prepared pumpkin soup and veggie chili awaited me. All in single serving containers perfect for lunches, dinners. Out of season veggies including asparagus and frozen fruit all ready to go if needed. In most cases, frozen was my last choice but a choice if I needed to make it.
Vegetarians don't call it "Mock Meat". The word meat isn't part of their vocabulary. Its called TVP. Textured Vegetable Protein. Lots of your pretend meats fall into this category. I tried the turkey slices and that wasn't enjoyable. I made Tempeh into a stirfry with veggie to fool myself into thinking it was chicken. Quite tasty and made me feel I was eating chicken in a stirfry. Seiten Cutlets. I bought those but haven't tried them yet. I've tried Tofu Dogs and those were not great. I've come to the conclusion and for health reasons, fresh is best and if you can limit the processed foods to fool your body and mind into thinking you are getting meat then this is the best. However, some of these choices are great for getting the protein.
Why are you doing it? This was the first question. I had decieded in the beginning that if I was asked, I would say it was to give my body a rest from meat, dairy and eggs. I wouldn't get into the ecological footprint thing except for Facebook because I tried explaining it once and suddenly I was looked at as if I had three heads! I do not choose to be an animal advocate and suddenly chain myself to a cattle farm door. Folks, I live in Alberta which is one of the largest centers for beef production. I'm not even going to go there.
What are you eating? Isn't it funny. The word got out that I was going vegan for a week and everyday I was asked, "What do you eat?" "No meat, dairy or eggs?" "What's left?" they proclaimed! I gave them a whole list and they looked at me with a confused look in their eyes. They hadn't heard of what I was consuming. ", what? Belger? What is that?" It was incredibly funny. On the flip side, I had vegetarians emailing me recipes and coming up to me telling me the name of the best brands of veggie foods!
Foods I ate again. Potato. Seems silly but I had virtually given up the potato. Starch. White is bad I was told. I added it to soups and ate it baked. Other then occasionally, I stopped eating potatoes two years ago. Avocados. Don't eat those, they will make you FAT! I love avocados! Try cutting one and use half for a sandwich or mix with hummus! A great alternative to your tuna sandwiches. Tip. Use lemon juice to prevent browning!
Eating in a restaurant poses many challenges for vegans so I didn't even attempt that because I truly felt ill prepared. However, the other night I was CRAVING sushi so instead of my beloved Maki Combo I chose Miso Soup, Veggie Salad and Veggie Sushi which consisted of Avocado, Celery and your usual seaweed/sesame seed/rice conformity. It did the trick and I was pleased that I was able to have it my way. Good Luck in finding a fast food establishment that carries anything remotely recognizable as a veggie burger. Do you remember the attempt at one for McDonald's? It is no longer on their menu.
What did I miss? I rarely eat eggs so that wasn't a problem. Milk? I opted for Soy, Rice and Almond Milk instead. Dairy? I skipped the yogurts and opten for fruit or berries. I will admit I missed chicken. I would say that on average I eat chicken three times a week and I did start to want that by day four. However, like most cravings, if you ride them out they will pass. That's exactly what happened with the chocolate cravings. Very intense, needed them. Then, I rode it out and it too passed. Did I miss beef. No. I did miss my Sushi with fish though. However, I used Bragg's with my veggie sushi and that passed. Bragg's gave me the salt without all the added sodium that Soya Sauce would add.
How do I feel? Great! No headaches. My joints were the sore the first few days but then I realized that with the water in the vegetables that water wasn't something I thought of near enough. I wasn't drinking what I should be drinking and my water consumption went down to half. Once I got that straightened out, I was fine. I felt as though I was eating more because I was eating a greater variety. I notice that anytime I go through a cleanse of sorts that my sensors go into overdrive. This happened. One evening while leaving the condo. someone was cooking fish and it was as though it was happening right beside me. Same thing at lunch time. Someone was heating something in the microwave and it was intense for me.
Not all vegans are thin. Apparently, there is a group called the Vegan Fatties. Those who aren't waif thin. All in moderation for any eating plans. Pounds can pack on quickly if you go vegetarian and depend on the convenience foods and starches. During my week, I lost four pounds. Do I think it was due to my eating changes? Yes and no. I am sure it was due to the changes in my eating, water intake and withdrawal of many of the foods that helped in making me obese.
Like any lifestyle choice, I would tell you that you choose to do this then do your research. Do it smartly. There is no doubt in my mind that if you do not include a variety of healthy food choices that you can create health problems for yourself. IE, B12 deficiency. Oh, there is so much to learn! I've spoken to vegans who are still learning after almost a year. I want to find a great vegetarian pizza recipe. I want to try Millet, Kamut, Amaranth, and Spelt. I've never seen these!
Speak to someone that is vegetarian and do you homework. Your body will thank you.
****Here is a great website with lots of great information. It includes cooking tips, vegetarian food pyramid, vegan nutrition and a nutrition quiz.**** Check out the Vegan Food Pyramid.***If you want to take the challenge then go to***Other websites: ... /Main.aspx - this one is awesome

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Day Three

Day Four.I'm finding that with the Veggie Challenge that a few things are happening:My energy level has not dropped.I'm having a hard time drinking my water. I'm finding that with all the fruit and veg. that I'm feeling a bit bloated and gassy. Water is hard for me to drink in the colder months. I'm having a hard time even drinking my Sunrider drinks like Calli or Fortune. Of course, I probably wouldn't be feeling bloated and gassy if I drank these things! That's a cause for a bit of frustration for me.Finger joints are sore as are my joints at my elbows. Again, if I drank my water I most likely would feel less pressure. Also, my body is often feeling creaky with the weather changes. I'm feeling a bit stuffy this morning.I have totally eliminated all meat, dairy and eggs from my diet this week. Its strange, cravings for cheese have stopped but now I'm wanting a big, juicy, chicken breast!! The others who have decided to go along with me on this journey are doing well. One of them admitted or shall I say, confessed to me she had a small piece of chicken. The guilt for her was so overwhelming that she told me she didn't enjoy it! Maybe this is where my chicken envy is stemming from!I seem to be washing a lot more containers and dishes since I've been doing this. I'm known as the Tupperware Queen at work! Our lunch group is fascinated at what I will be bringing and is always asking what I'm eating. My hot flashes I was experiencing have stopped. A comment was made that it was the soy I was eating..I've tried some new foods this week. Tofu, Tempeh. I liked the Tempeh but theTofu, I'm not sold on. I have to experiement more with that. My biggest piece of advice to anyone considering or going vegan or vegetarian is a couple of things:Learn as much as you can about meat alternatives. Don't think you can do it by eating salads and fruits. Talk to others who have chosen this lifestyle. My sources have been Darlene and people from vegetarian groups. I have done research on the Internet about choices, options, recipes and developing a well balanced plan. Be prepared to have people think you are crazy or being silly. I'm already crazy and a bit of silly killed no one. Where I live, there are many people who are vegetarian at different levels and I find that many of those people "get" the choice. I am fortunate to have many choices in shopping where I am sure that in other smaller centers it would be quite challenging. For example, something as simple as Bragg's isn't readily available. This is me, now.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day Two. Try this recipe.

Day Two. I'm starting to feel more like myself today. Isn't it strange how overeating and drinking can make your body feel!


Lots of water
Soy Milk
Bok Choy
Rice Chips
Red Pepper

Here's a recipe I whipped up out of choice.

Cook Red Quinoa by Ancient Grains. This will take 15 mins. and make three cups. Refrigerate leftovers for later.

Slice package of Tempeh. Indonesian by Green Cuisine

One small Baby Bok Choy sliced.

Mandolin carrots for carrots sticks.

Slice celery.

Break apart brocolli into small florets.

Slice roasted red pepper. I grilled two large red peppers ahead of time and kept them in ziplocks bags for moments like these.

Saute all veggies in lightly oiled pan with Sesame Oil. Add peppers last. Pour in 1.5 cups of Light Soy Milk and stir .Add nut butter sparingly to add taste to sauce and stir to combine. Add dash of cayenne pepper. Add slices Tempeh and steam for five mins. Add fresh spinach and cook until wilted. Sprinkle with chopped cillantro and serve over Quinoa, Rice or Noodles. Let me know what you think, if you try it..

Monday, November 12, 2007

Day One.

Veggie Challenge.

Today I started off with two Nuplus made into a porridge consistency. I cut up some oranges and made Calli Tea for breakfast.

Lunch was vegetable pasta, sliced carrots, Udo's oil, flavoured vinegar.

Afternoon snack, baby carrots and a Sunrider Bar.

Water throughout the day.

Dinner was almonds and my special sandwich. I took two pieces of sprouted bread, homemade hummous (included olives, sundried tomatoes, sesame oil and chickpeas), pepper, and slices of cucumbers.

This evening, I cut a piece of my mock meatloaf which was Yves Veggie Ground Round, onions, celery, sundried tomatoes, oats, roasted red pepper, spices, etc. and a salad.

I have a bit of a headache but I've had that since I woke up from the night of dancing, drinking and cavorting so I'm not sure if its because of the change in diet for the day or the after effects!

I went shopping at Planet Organic and this week I will try Seiten, Tempeh.......... I'm going to make my red Quinoa and Kale this week.

The support from the Vegetarian community has been amazing as I've been surfing online checking things out.

Thought for the day: Protein is believed to come from chicken, cheese and yogurt. Where do Vegans get it from in their diet?

black beans





tofu and tempeh


The Veggie Challenge. Day One.

I was surfing the web one day and saw this challenge. I have always wanted to try vegan but 30 days was too much for me so when I saw a seven day challenge I was all over it! I set up a group on Facebook and then I set up the event which starts today and runs for one week. I'm going to document my week, how I feel, the cravings and any noticeable changes in my body, digestion, etc.

Last night was our Christmas party. I ate too much, drank and danced a lot! This is the perfect time for me to cleanse myself and start eating healthy again. I seem to have gone through some sort of debauchery because I had succumbed to fast food and poor eating habits for the last two weeks. This did not help me so I am happy that this is my fresh start.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Vegetarian Challenge. November 12-November 18, 2007.

I am challenging everyone to eat vegetarian from November 12-18th.

There are many advocates for becoming a vegan and meat is becoming less and less important to me. So, as part of my plan for healthier eating and also part of my ecological footprint I am going to do this. I challenge everyone to try this and encourage healthier eating. Try new fruits, veggies, nuts and being a vegetarian doesn't mean that you have to eat salads alone!

I would love to hear about your experience and will document mine including how it effects me physically and emotionally and any other noticible changes that week.


I was inspired by this website. Check it out.. Click on the picture and it will take you there..

Take the Veggie Challenge