The Queen of Denial
Last week Darlene queried me about trying her gym and I told her that I could go this weekend because I had the weekend off for Easter. After getting the guts to do it and then pulling back I finally committed to going today. I met Darlene at her house at 7:30 AM and was greeted by Rob with a hello "Sweetie" or something to that effect. I can't remember, it was too fucking early! After a cup of Calli with Darlene and Rob we headed to the World Health Club. http://www.worldhealthclub.com/?template=2&tag=about_main For the first time in my life, I was at the gym. Well, as a guest but I was at a gym. Remember, I haven't exercised since http://www.thepeoplehistory.com/1985.html Yep, that was a long time ago!
As Darlene measured me, I suddenly got a huge reality check. When you measure yourself, its your own dirty little secret but when someone else does it, it made me feel accountable for the abuse of my body throughout the years. I was the Queen of Denial. As I stepped on the scale that was definately my own doing. Huh? How come I weigh more then I do at home? Sure, the couple of chocolate easter eggs and white mashed potatoes from two Easter dinners didn't amount to ... five pounds? WTF. I felt like a contestant on XWeighted. http://www.slice.ca/Shows/ShowsPage.aspx?Title_ID=97067
I'm On Fire
We started on the treadmill for 12 mins. plus warmup. My friend, Faye, loves the treadmill. Me, I love walking in or outdoors but the thing I noticed that after the warmup that my shins were killing me. Incredible pockets of stiffness and pain cramping. Unfortunately, the only thing on the tvs was Country and Western videos. I think I'd bring music when I do this again.
Upper Body
I guess it was a good thing that I couldn't sleep one night and bought the COre Ball. Heh, now I can actually use it for something other then drying my sweaters! I now realize I have some upper body strength. I think its all those years of carrying groceries in one trip up many flights of stairs.
Chest press using the ball. http://worldhealthclub.fitdv.com/new/video/video.php?vid=dumbell&play=high&lang=en We did 12-15 each. 2 Sets with 10 pounds.
One arm row on ball. http://worldhealthclub.fitdv.com/new/video/video.php?vid=onearmdbrow&play=high&lang=en
Shoulder Press. http://worldhealthclub.fitdv.com/new/video/video.php?vid=dbshoulderpress&play=high&lang=en
Bicep Curl with Twist. http://worldhealthclub.fitdv.com/new/video/video.php?vid=seatedbicep&play=high&lang=en
Kick Back.
Lower Body
Lunges and Squats were both hard on my knees. The lunges weren't a full lunge. I could only manage a half lunge. We had to modify the squats against the wall.
Curls for Hamstrings. Standing calf raises with ball.
Core Stability
Plank on floor. Crunches and Obliques with Ball.
Afterwards a cool down with stretches.
Sweat Like A Girl
Darlene was awesome. She took the time to explain everything to me, watch my form and I had to laugh when she asked me things like, "Do you know how to do a crunch?" My reply, "Not since High School". It was particularily amazing to watch a senior citizen woman exercising who is more fit than I am and 25 years older!
Yeah, I sweat. A lot!
I plugged on with my day and at 3:00 PM crashed. I slept for two hours! My body told me it was time to rest.
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