Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Climb

Friday and Saturday were great days of food planning while away and the fridge in the motel made my meal planning  a whole lot easier and effortless. Tons of hiking and sightseeing in Jasper and surrounding lakes. In good spirits considering it rained for most of those two days... not to mention increased energy.

Then, came Sunday. FREE DAY. Breakfast at Husky's. Afternoon treat of cheesecake and coffee. Dinner at the Elk and Oarsman for pizza. Yep, all very yummy.. but it didn't there. It ebbed over into Monday when I ate half of my leftover pizza from the pub. My last day off before heading back to work and in my mind I apparently wanted to go out with a bang and I did! Chocolate. A big bar of it. Later followed by chips and dip.

I have to stop right dead in my tracks and find alternatives for the treats. I could have fueled up with other food choices that wouldn't have left me with a feeling of guilt. I could have easily topped up my water but I choose to eat that crap.  

I'm now headed into week three and looking back at those things I acknowledge my errors and push forward. The ah ha moment was yesterday when I volunteered to take a whole day first aid course for work. As I had to do five sets of cpr over a manniquin crouched down on my knees I was tired and out of breath. Breath was an issue when we took our car to the parking at the foot of the Columbia Glacier and we set foot to climb up the glacier. The air was incredibly thin and health warnings were posted at the entry of the trail. My partner headed up the mountain and I was left behind.

I didn't like being left behind and don't want to miss out on life because I physically can't participate.  


Friday, August 6, 2010

Jasper Bound!

This weekend we are headed to Jasper and the Rocky Mountains. I have packed Body For Life meals for two days and will give myself one free meal instead of a Free Day. I will update on my progress when I return! Excited by apprehensive..

Monday, August 2, 2010

MIndful Eating.

I think the most important lesson I have learned while on Body for Life is mindful eating. Eating with intention and to fuel the body. So much so, it is Eating to Live not Living To Eat

Body for Life involves food journal ling all your meals for twelve weeks. This morning while thinking about my week and getting ready to put things on paper, I read through my daily entries. I noticed how quickly things started to slide the days I hadn't remembered to journal or in this case chose not to journal. Looking back at it now, I can't even remember what I ate at those meals!

Everything I eat, I own. That means if I consume it then I am accountable for that choice.  I realize that being honest with myself is the key to my success and ultimately my happiness. 

So by any entry that I have eaten off plan, I am recording my reasons for deviating from the plan. Ie, Stress, skipped meals. This helps me assess why I do what I do with regards to food. It also returns the power to me and not the food. This also help me realize what triggers, habits, or even certain foods that are connected to me with circumstances. 

Happy Heritage Day to me. Today is Free Day!