The other day I was in one of the offices at work and there sits the candy jar. Without thinking or bring mindful I start to reach for the jar out of habit as I am doing it, I suddenly think.. what are YOU doing? STOP! So, I stop and do not touch the candy jar.
I've been balancing off evening hunger with water or tea and its working amazing. My favorite tea is caffiene free blueberry or green tea.
On Monday night I went for my eight day weight in.. I am down: 9.5 pounds and 9.5 inches!! Holy crap!! I am amazed...
When I get doubtful I say to myself: Weightloss is easy for me. I enjoy eating healthy foods that support my well being. So, those are my positive affirmations. I say them before bed and when I am geting the cravings.
Last night was tough. I am not going to lie. We watched a movie and I was craving popcorn bigtime. Since my plan is three meals and one snack at 4 then popcorn isn't in the plan at all at this point. Will I ever eat popcorn? Yes, of course.
Of all the plans I have been on I have to say I enjoy this plan because I get to chew, eat and make meals that both of us can eat. Sure, there is some measuring but I can prep ahead and control the portion sizes!
Today's food choices are: Mushroom Omelet with fresh fruit, turkey chilli, cheese/fruit and lemon chicken.
My next weight in is tomorrow night.