The man is hard core as is Darlene. Who am I to argue with success? He obviously knows more then I do about healthy eating, exercise and weightloss. Darlene makes hummus from dried beans and got me to try things like Kale and Tofu. Who would have thought? These folks inspire me to live and eat healthier so this is a circle of friends that have had an impact on my life.
Well, six months ago I would not have had the guts to do it but I believe things happen for a reason. I have complied and now we are onto stage two. Food journalling and recording everything I put into my mouth and the times as well as any other comments so it will help determine my habits and head space. I'm going to openly admit that journalling is not one of my favourite things because it reminds me of my Weight Watcher days. However, having said that, I was always successful when I journalled and the scales always weighed in my favour!
Read my previous entry to determine what was the deciding factor(s).
I decided to post this picture. It was taken on Christmas Day and I was quite excited to poke through the pages to learn about the vegetarian choices and food prep. I also changed my page setup and colour to reflect green. Green to me is growth. Fresh, new.
This is my first entry. Day One.

8:30 AM Woke up and wanted desperately to pull my head under the covers but have committed to meeting with my sister and the nieces today before we go off on New Year's Eve.
9:oo AM Feeling sore from yesterday. Back is sore and neck. Joints in ankles and elbows sore. Will have some tea and have shower before deciding to take Advil or not. Will try first..
9:10 AM Breakfast. 3 Cups of Calli Cinnamon Tea with Suncare. 2 Eggs over easy with Bragg's Sprinkle and 1 Tsp. of Olive Oil. 1 Pina Nuplus made with Calli. Somewhat hungry but knew I would need my energy and fuel to getmy ass dragged through West Edmonton Mall! Eggs and tea were the easy choice. Nuplus was my concious choice.
9:30 Am Called family to let them know we wouldn't be making the 10:00 Am agreed time. 11:30 AM we will meet. I'm going to hop in the shower and see if I can shake off this foggy brain and the stiff/sore joints. Joints are actually cracking in my elbow as I type this. Feeling stuffed up this morning.
11:00 Am Scant handful of nuts included pinenuts and four raw almonds. 3 dried Apricots.
12:30 Pm Six small Mexican Rolls. (Spicy Tuna, Seaweed, Rice rolled in sesame seeds) 1.5 cups of bean sprouts, carrots and three pieces of cucumber. Bottle of water.
Left mall at 3:00 PM. Headed to hotel for New Year's Eve/Romance Package.
5:30 PM Ordered room service. Carrots. Cauliflower and Brocolli. Baked potato. Chives. Bacon Bits. Sour Cream. 8 Ounce Grilled Steak medium well. Bottle of water with meal. I should have omitted bacon bits and sour cream. Very full! Almost to the point of uncomfortable. Realized that I did not have afternoon snack and should intake more water.
10:00 PM Romance package arrived -- surprize. Whoops, more food! I consumed 1/2 bottle of white wine. Three types of cheese. Crackers. Slices of cantalope and melon. 2 Chocolate dipped strawberries. Felt light headed with 'buzz'. I didn't feel too badly about the cheese, crackers and wine but was feeling guilty about large dinner.... Not a great way to start the New Year.
Went to sleep at 1:30 Am
Looking at this, I am feeling accountable and realize that I didn't make the best choices but tomorrow is a new day.